Vallejo AND/OR Tamiya Paint


New Member
Aug 26, 2012
If anyone on here is making a switch from Vallejo or Tamiya paint to another brand of paint, I would be interested in buying your complete inventory of either Vallejo or Tamiya paints from you. So if your making a switch to another brand from either of these two, send me a listing of the colors and sizes of bottles you have and a price you find acceptable and Ill be happy to get you paid to receive your stash of paint. Thanks in advance in hopes of finding someone currently doing this :D
I have a bunch of Tamiya Enamels that I would not have swapped for anything, until I tried Vallejo Model Air Acrylics.
I won't be getting rid of the Tamiya's as its great to have the choice.
Only other must have's (IMO) are ZeroPaints colour matched paints for production cars and of course Alclad's range of metal paints.
Elm City Hobbies said:
Once you go Vallejo, you never go back......

Sorry .but I did go back , got a whole bunch of Vallejo now that I dont use that much ,just for detail brush painting . For me nothing sprays as well and trouble free as Tamiya acrylics or Humbrol enamels :)
Ahhh Chris, you were probably using the old Vallejo Thinner with the Model Colors.

Worth a shot, grab a small bottle of their new thinner, completely changed the game at thinning Model Color, plus lets not forget the 114 colors (soon to be expanded another 14 or so colors) in the Model Air line, which needs little to no thinning to airbrush.

Im game at trying them, just trying to find a bigger bulk lot for one price. I found some on ebay but I have to have the right month to snag them. I believe its a lot of 30 and it doesn't list the colors. I hate not knowing what colors Ill be getting because I did this on ebay for Model Masters and got 40 bottles which Ill probably only ever use about ten of the bottles. I have to take this month off or Ill probably be shot by the wife ha ha but next month I may just lay the $80 or so out that I need to get a batch of Vallejo so stick with me. If I do Ill order them off you. By the way about the Xuron sprue cutters, I took your advice and got the 2175ET I believe the model number was. Well they've arrived and Ill never use another. The few dollars extra they were the Xurons are just that precise its unreal. There's some parts I don't even have to clean up. The cut is that crisp and right. Love em.
What are they charging you for 30 Vallejo? $80? That isn't a bad price, works out to about $2.67 per color, but if you don't know what colors you are getting and are at their mercy, then is it really worth it?

I charge $3.50 per bottle, which works out slightly cheaper than most of the sets for sale, and at least you can get the colors you want that way.

Yes the 2175 cutters are the bomb!
Elm City Hobbies said:
What are they charging you for 30 Vallejo? $80? That isn't a bad price, works out to about $2.67 per color, but if you don't know what colors you are getting and are at their mercy, then is it really worth it?

I charge $3.50 per bottle, which works out slightly cheaper than most of the sets for sale, and at least you can get the colors you want that way.

Yes the 2175 cutters are the bomb!

The deal on Ebay I found is actually choose any 30 colors of the Model Air bottles for $81.20 + $12.62 shipping so it actually comes out to like $3.13 a bottle. You can choose your 30 colors of choice from 96 different color options plus the Gray primer. For that little of savings, Id rather order them off you and support your shop. Plus you said you can ship to PA, USA 20 bottles for $2. So if I order 30 colors, you could just ship two different envalopes with 15 in each. Im gonna be ordering them from you its just a matter of which month I actually end up ordering them. Being on a limited income and budget, I have to wait till the proper month to do my ordering ha ha. Im thinking Ill be ordering them March 1st (payday haha) because I must take February off from my splurge from Christmas. So stick with me and Ill give ya my order the beginning of March. Im going to send you a PM anyways because I want to ask you some color questions.
Elm City Hobbies said:
What are they charging you for 30 Vallejo? $80? That isn't a bad price, works out to about $2.67 per color, but if you don't know what colors you are getting and are at their mercy, then is it really worth it?

I charge $3.50 per bottle, which works out slightly cheaper than most of the sets for sale, and at least you can get the colors you want that way.

Yes the 2175 cutters are the bomb!

The best price Ive found for Vallejo Model Air is from Scale Hobbyist online at $2.39 a bottle, shipping $9.95 but half there colors are on back order. Like I said earlier in another post though. Its all about supporting those that support our forum. Thats why Ill be ordering from you.
Umm, I never said I could ship 20 bottles for $2, and I definitely wouldn't ship paint of any kind in an envelope.

20 bottles you would be looking at about $15.50 for shipping.

96 colors plus the grey primer? Sounds like they were offering the Vallejo Air paints without the expanded colors from about a year ago. Used to be 97 colors, plus 3 varnishes, then they expanded the line another 14 colors. And they are about to expand the line again in the next month or so another 14-16 colors.

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