Viper Mirage 1/32 Kitbash

Thanks... Though it was made in a matter of days. Two or Three years ago i got sleep problems, so I managed to occupy myself with building and painting... Kitbash was very helpful (it's like resting for me, a very peaceful occupation per say...). It's no longer the way i "live". I sleep like a normal person and working on model kits are difficult. Even for project like this one that started quickly... But you star to show it in exhibition, in order to explain the Kibash logic and method and the kit is stocked, somewhere, to be resumed... But it wait, and wait, and wait...

And life goes on, as you may know. You work. You get ill. You travel here and there...

I post this "work in progress" since it's a way to show how I dealed with this kitbash, I hope it's inspirationnal, the same way I was inspired by builds here and there... Turning 2 mirages IV into a Viper, sure you need some imagination, and experience, but it's not that difficult. :)
(I checked, it seems that the following WIP took place in a two weeks period only... 2 years ago :) )

Some part from a F-4 Crusader kit (1/48 ESCI) will help me to somehow forget about the X-wing look of the canopy.

Down, I have to deal with the secondary thrusters engines details, that's not symetrical.

I add some Anakin's Podracer details parts but I don't forget my truthfully coffee spoons. Groovy !

To complete this part I used a two part cheminee (from some boat of some sort I think, the kit parts were found outside).

Looking for control panels, I found some 1/48 Rafale parts, and this part look really good in the cockpit, don't you think ? Even though Vipers don't have visors like this...

The air entry are done, but i choose to add more stuff... Will you guess what ?

The weapons aréea. It seems but logical for me it came out from the wing, as in the original Battlestar TV series. Details, taken again from the Anakin's podracer, complete the all thing. A rivet will be the base to hold the canon, some electric device I found outside.

The holes are finally completed with a 1/35 tank panel, an access trap of some sort... For amunitions, batteries...

I selected some parts to add details beteween the cockpit and the weapons...

I used metal parts (photo-etch leftovers bought to a manufacturer).

It's a hell of a design, IMHO, but I have to think about the upper wing, and for this I will complicate the all process. A meaningless habit...

The pilot is vaguely painted, I couldn't bare the red color anymore :) The details here are not good but that will be dealed with later.

I complete the canopy with "L" plastic profiles, will add some putty later to fill the gaps.

The back of the canopy is completed with various parts that will hold it in place, without any glue, even simulating a rail-path for it to the mobility. A sudden inspiration per say...

All this is good, but I still have a lot of details to add, or checked later...

Some detailing on the top before working on the little up wing.

I took the hood of an old race car, I glued some parts taken from the mirage wings, add some details, what culd be a homing device or a radar, and checking that this will hold on the top of the engines.

Some putty to fill the gap, that's when I thought it will be too big and will ruin the general design.

Not really convinced so the next day I tried other variables, options...

Though, once painted, the part assembled is better than I thought. If it's the same color it should be okay, but I was very doubtful on this one...
Come on, some more white primer paint to check the "allure" of my little birdie. So far, so good IMHO...

The edge of the nose were not a complete satisfaction, and as I found back some F-14 parts, 1/48 scale, that seems to fit, I checked, glued, and VOILA !
It seems to do the trick.

The botoom of the Viper is not forgotten, a panel is added, a grill too, the fun part is that the Viper mk 2 has this kind of detail too. :)

I put some two component parts on the nose to give it a better look. Once dried, i add some white tamiya putty, my favourite.

So..... this is a really kewl version of a Viper, AND in my opinion, better than ANY of the actual Vipers.
I of course, have a fondness for what I like to call "Chunky-Tech" , and this certainly falls into that category!
Do you have pictures of it totally completed?
ModelMakerMike said:
So..... this is a really kewl version of a Viper, AND in my opinion, better than ANY of the actual Vipers.
I of course, have a fondness for what I like to call "Chunky-Tech" , and this certainly falls into that category!
Do you have pictures of it totally completed?

Thanks... You can see it in its actual "stage" at the very beginning.

I didn't finished it, the pilot is still in paint phase, the gears were broken during an exhibition, the all thing is near completion, I simply need to finish up some tiny details (cockpit, canopy, pilot), use some fraking details... I lack motivation but sure want to gain some sharing this WIP with you all... :)
I'm really not enjoying building and painting the pilot. Even though we'll never see him correctly, it's still a no satisfaction here. I need to practice to do a better job on figures...

The F-14 parts are a perfect fit and there is no or very little gaps that I filled rapidly with Prince August Mastic Plastic.

Some putty is used to blend the nose surface. Sanding is no fun, but the result will be here !

And all of a sudden, I thought that the Thrusters were not detailed enough. I decided to complicate the process cuting some coffee spoons, with the right shape, a U shape, to give the thrusters their scales.
I used the excellent Chopper 2, made me buy a lot of time, even though I never really understand how to use the cuting guides (no instructions with the tool... baaaaaaad !).

I make up my mind concerning the choice of detailing parts... Some plastic, metal and fun I hope.

Some paint on the pilot... Damn, it's not inspiring at all...

Some kit parts are great for detailing, its a kind of magic (maaaagic !!!! Queen - Highlander), to fill a gap, adjust some parts... The Engine area had some more tank tracks, until I ask for myself "will I cut some plastic to arrange some gears, or will I go for it and simply" engrave some lines ?". Hum...

Some more white primer, the last one I hope, because the different layers are showing through, and because this particular paint is really awful (sometimes bubbling, thick paint here, no paint there etc.). Well the general design is OK, details are OK, there's not much to do to go to the decals and finishing phase right ?

The canopy need some more putty. Once dried, I will paint it. Then I will adjust to avoid the gaps...

The thrusters are painted in black color, that will hide the different length of the spoons and allow some aluminum and steel (and copper) dry brush... I love that part !

Some news about the Pilot. Even though it would be difficult to see anything, the face has been painted, a "window" (a visor ?) has been glued on. A complicate process that need a clear plastic to be formed with a flame and then cut exactly in the right shape. Man, it's 1/32 but still... :)
I used Crystal clear to glue it on. THe white glue will be transparent when dried.

He's still in pieces, but the pining has been done to re-enforce the joints. It will allow me to place him easily before glueing with crazy glue later.

The result is so-so, but this shot, in the cockpit, tell me my choice was a wise one.

From a distance, it's good, it's another story when you see the detail with a naked eye (if you dare, 'cause, me around, you never wanted to put your nose on my kits, I tell ya ! :) )

I'm alone at home so I have the opportunity to work elsewhere than my bedroom. You can notice that this is my "syndical minimum" concerning tools, kit parts for only one kit... Yeah, I'm a crazy person... :)

The canopy has been painted with Prince August Grease steel. THe conic shape do not please me. Will certainly change it for a more angular shape later with putty.

I put some kit parts as potential candidate to build the gears. You can recognize the gears from the Mirage, tracks from a 1/35 tank...

Simple holes in the hull like in the Viper Mk 2 ? Hell no ! Small wheels, plastic thrusters (Option parts), the function will be understood quickly, as on the Space Shuttle for instance.

Main job was to consolidate the parts to hold the up engine. I added some pipes and wires taken from the Anakin's podracer.

Then i added sprues, to have supplemental glue point in the block. The pink stuff.

Then i used my engraver tool to trace some panel lines here and there. That follow actual details on the F-14 parts on the nose. Do I choose to make the gears or not, the lines are done.

I like it ! Even though I will add parts around it.

At the bottom, quite not sure to make some gears but I added the rails for the catapultage of the viper. And some parts here and there to fill gaps, etc.

To the back some parts that made this kitbash look more and more like the original viper. I glued on rivets in the little thrusters. That will be hide by option parts (Kotobukiya, Wave, I forgot...).

At this point some black paint for the engine part, and some parts here and there... But still not totally satisfied...

I put some parts from the model railways kingdom. I thought I would stop there but some crazy invention spirit took place and I added some sprues, gears panels, that seems to be functionnal but "a little too much"... If you don't paint it. :)

Once with some primer color, it's all better, is it not ? :)

So far so good...

That's the way I exhibit my Viper Mirage at a local convention, AFM Montrouge, in 2011.
So now we are with those pictures I show you at the beginning. The kit is white, the background is black, that was not a good idea.

At Montrouge convention I worked on the cockpit. Even for 1/32 scale, it's not great, but for now, it will do. Maybe some color here and there with a toothpick and then a black wash. But the green screens looks great.

Some engrave detail, some panel, on the nose...

I add some springs in the engine area. Juste note the detail in the thrusters that hide the rivets used to pin it in.

And then, even if I was sick, with fever, I began to cut in the flesh of my beautiful Viper Mirage in order to build the gears.

That's because I found some parts that will be a perfect fit, with beautiful structure details. Open or closed, it's neat !

But, you know, it will be open. Don't want to complicate thing with articulated gears :)

The cut is clear, thanks for the circular saw, and the coffee spoons will be added later.

Under the nose, the gears are cut, detailed with my friendly coffee spoons. THe panels will be Mirage IV parts.

I engraved circles on the wings. That was ugly and non-symetrical. Some photo-etch parts helped me cover that mistake.

Since I found some Option Parts (Wave, Kotobukiya) I picked up some little thrusters, integrated it in the wings, one with a part of coffee spoon to obtain the right thickness, the other simply added in a gap. I cut the wing to placed, later, once the painting completed, the signalization lights right and left. That will be a good detail.

And now, with several parts selected, from the Mirage IV and some tracks from a big tank, I made the gears. The nose is a little too short so I managed to use some other parts, from railways models, to put some lollipop and Q tip handle so now I can remove the part during transport.

Plus the all thing is standing all by itself. I'm really pleased with the result.

All I really need is finish the pilot, glue on the gear's panels, and then we'll go for the real paint phase.
I may add a shark mouth on the nose, that would really mean "serious business bad ass starfighter" :)

Thanks :)

I have to post more of my kitbashes, and prepare myself to my first VLOG. The weather is good, good light, my workbench need a bit more of installation, I have to check my cameras and record something about this Viper Mirage.
Thanks for the motivation John ;)

Well, now I need a haircut and maybe some shaving... My, my... :D
eh up buddy, nice work on another mint scratch,hats off to you!...cheers peza
Thanks Peza... I saw what you did with a Scratch Millenium falcon. Quite impressive ! :D
cheers buddy,that`s been put on hold,i`m tryin to finish this group build first,but i have been finishin one leg and half way through my second :(,not to worry only 5 and a half to go :'( thanks peza
A model kit is like a Painting : I feel more artistic power in a simple drawing than in the final approach of the painting. That's why I like so much the WIP. :)
Nice detail work. Taking a bunch of scraps and airplane kits, and turning it into something that resembles a craft from a completely different subject takes skill. Nicely done!
Thanks ! :)

And I say thanks to Douglas Trumbull, Gerry Anderson and other modelists that gave 2001 Space Odissey, Star Wars, Galactica, Space 1999 and so much more TV show the detail and reality that miniatures needed to be filmed. :)

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