When you build one of these, how much do you plan ahead? Very detailed, or do you set a general direction and play it by ear?
Other folks like me may also be wondering how to get started with dios, or if they want to take the plunge!
There is some planning involved but basically I just get a theme in my head and just dive in.
After a while it begins to grow on itself and I'm just along for the ride.
One thing you may notice as you see more of my work will be the 'darkness' effect, I go through a lot of black paint.
I also try to photograph my work from low angles and utilize close ups. This gives the effect of size which is very
complimentary to military vehicles, especially armor.
For those who would like to try doing a diorama my advice would be to get a basic idea and layout
as one starts to place major elements the thing will begin to flower in your mind.
The more you do the more confidence you will gain.
As you progress to more dios the better they will become. New dio builders can get many ideas from more
experienced hobbyists but hopefully do not get discouraged by trying to compare your work to theirs
It takes years to develop skills and your own 'style' But in can be a great journey with many rewards along the way.
I've been at this game for over 40 years and am still learning.