Warhammer - Warsphinx/ Necrosphinx



Hi guys!
For those of you who remember my little spider from last year... it happened again. A birthday is coming up and the present is going to be a painted model by yours truly. My friend has recently started a Tomb Kings army for Warhammer Fantasy, for those mostly non-wargamers here, thats an agyptian themed army with skeletons and mummies and such. She usually paints her own models or employs her husband to do so, so I thought I am on the save side, when asking her husband for a tip for her present a couple of days ago. :-\ He answered, that she would like something for her army perferredly painted by myself... :eek: ...Ok, the party is next sunday, that is going to be trickey. After the panic attack faded I immediately called to around all my friends, who usually throw money together for presents, what to get and fast if you would please... "A Warsphinx... that's about as complex as the spider, but I'm alone and I have only what... 9 days... ok..." Next panic attack.
The next day I got the model from my friendly local game store, gotta support your local store, and did this little vid as an intro:

[WG] Tomb Kings: Khemrian Warsphinx/ Necrosphinx - Part 1

I put in two evenings, about 7 hours, worth of work in already, so I am going to make a little update soon.

Happy modelling, everybody, Sarah.
Good luck, I hope you get it all painted by the birthday deadline. I've seen some of these figures...they're
pretty creepy but very cool. Bill
Hi guys!

So, I`m back with a little update on the sphinx. It's assembeled for painting and fully magnatized. I am quite satisfied how that worked out. I made a little video for you:

[WG] Tomb Kings: Khemrian Warsphinx/ Necrosphinx - Project Update1

Now for painting. I already primed all the parts and basecoated everything that is going to be flesh/stone in black. Had some problems with my airbrush though. Next in line is going to be to paint the marble design I plan to use on the fleshy/ stone bits. I have never used the AB to paint such small detail . I will probably make a test on some styrene first. To explain, where this sphinx is not covered in some armor, which will be gold, I want the body appear to be marble stone. Wish me luck, a steady hand and that my airbrush doesn't do funny things.

Excellent !

Is that really necessary to use magnet ?
No, magnetisation is not necessary. The model comes basically with two options of upper torso and either wings or a howda. This is important for the game, because either variant does something different in the game. Since this was a gift and will be used for gaming, I wanted to provide any option to use for my friend hence the many magnets. If you were to go with simply one variant, you'd simply have to glue everything together as usual. :D

By the way, I am done with the model. I worked two nightshifts and had to skimp a little over the crew but I got it done. :D

Here are some WIP pictures and a progress uppdate on YT:

[WG] Tomb Kings: Khemrian Warsphinx/ Necrosphinx - Project Update 2

I will post pictures of the finished model and a final video tonight after work.

Happy modelling everyone, Sarah.
OK, your choice is logical, and meaningful. Thanks for the answer.

GReat update !
You manage to do the kit in time ? :)
Yeah, I did. But it was close. I literally glued the last part shortly before packing up to go to the birthday party. It is a great model and I would have liked more time with it because I had to cut some corners to get it done in time. I would have done some more things to the base and I am entirely not satisfied with the crew, because they look like mud. But you should see for yourself and tell me what you think. I managed to get some pictures and a bit of video of the finished model before I wrapped it. Again it is not the quality I would have liked because the lighting and background is far from optimal and a had to "shoot from the hip" instead of using my lighttend, three lamps and a tripod ;) But some pictures is better than none like with my spider wich was gone before I had the chance to take pictures :'( But without further addo:

[WG] Tomb Kings: Khemrian Warsphinx/ Necrosphinx - Project finale

Happy modelling, Sarah.

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