WC51 Beep en France 1944 (AFV 1/35)


New Member
Apr 27, 2011

I had already started this subject last year, but after I lost interest, I had put the car aside until a few weeks ago, when I saw the car standing there waiting for better times. So, I took it of the shelf and finished it with some weathering and some stowage. The two figures were found in the scratch box and painted them again and set them on the ground which I made from plaster, mixed with acryl paint and after that was dry, I put some sand on it and made a little street.

Here are the pictures, I hope you like it .....






Grtz Jogy
Quality little dio bud love the weathering on the vehicle and stowage but may fav is the figure real natural pose and colours of the uniforms did you use oils on them??

That looks great! You know many times that happens all too often. You start it, other things in life kick in, and the project unfortunately gets shelved for a while. Sometimes you loose your "mojo" and burn out, then you need to find the drive and inspiration again to complete it. I guess that's why this is a hobby and not a job. Keep building when you can...no matter how long in between builds. It doesn't mean your not a modeler. It means your like the rest of us. ;D
Good work, jogy. The vehicle construction looks tight, paint job and weathering is spot on, and your
ground work is subtle and realistic. Best of all, figures and stowage greatly enhance your efforts. Your
"shelf-queen" has become a quality exhibit. Congrats. Bill
The Beep that you´ve done is fantastic, Jogy... and the vignette i simple but effective... ;)
Thanks all for the nice words, I was a bit away for a time, but I'm back on the table with some other kits from the shelf. I have periods that nothing works and I have no interest in anything, but this periods are part of my life and I find always a way back to my hobby desk.

I have painted the figures with Vallejo, Life Color and Citadel acryl paints. The last I use for the faces and hands, because I like this colors most and the work fine.

I'm now busy with a M113. I started this kit somewhere in 2010 and I have stripped most of the part and when it's showable I will post some pictures in a new thread. Thanks!


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