
New Member
Jun 16, 2010
I know my cap locks were on. But really, what do you think of Cyberhobby Orange kits? They seem like a good value which makes me think the kits themselves must be lacking detail or accuracy. Thanks
No, they are the same kits as the regular Dragon kits, but with value added features. Very good value for the money.
Well actually, most (dare I say all) Orange Box kits are older kits, 10 to 15 years old with added stuff like figure sprues and tracks or barrels etc. These Orange Box kits are not the same as straight up CyberHobby kits, which are for the most part are state of the art kits with something added like decals or resin bits to make it a special limited release item.

It can be confusing with the branding but while an Orange Box kit is fairly inexpensive, don't expect to get Dragon latest state of the art sprues in the box, you will get the older, pre-'Smart Kit' stuff.
What the guy above said. Some of the kits are the older odd scale panzers. I think ex-Fujimi maybe?
Dragon used to rebox a lot of stuff, I think their Sherman kits were Italeri .

...and that's what you'll get in the box, not the new Dragon Sherman kits.
Dragon has new Shermans? Aren't they kinda old too? I was a bit disappointed in their M4 105.
Yes, they have a ton of new mold Sherman tanks.

The M4A3 105mm HVSS I built was all new tooling and had no major issues I can recall the M4 you mention is reviewed HERE by a very knowledgeable Sherman guy named Al Bowie and he scores it fairly high regardless of a few errors.

It certainly isn't their old reboxed sprues form Italeri, maybe six year old sprues but certainly all new tooled stuff.
Didn't know that. I'm probably just holding them up against Tasca Shermans.
I want so many of Tasca's Shermans... At least one to build a British desert version and another to build a Polish version.
I keep my eye out for deals all the time, Spruebrothers having big sales, or other forum members selling theirs off for cheap money because they bought it on an impulse buy and now have to dump it. ;D

They are really beautiful kits.
I would have no money to buy one because of all MY impulse buys. I need to make a list of the kits I really want and order them by how much I want one.
I have the Cyber-Hobby JU88G-6. It's unbuilt but I have fondled the parts and it looks quite good. Under 30 dollars US for a nice twin engine 1/48 scale kit is right in the ballpark for me. I'm looking forward to building it.
It's the old Dragon/DML kit which was also reboxed by Monogram in a couple of versions, namely the A-4 and the C-6.

It is a nice kit. The cockpit has some nasty push-pin marks to fill and there are some fit issues, but I have seen some great builds of it. I would like to get the A-4 one of these days.

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