What happens when you get into other things?


New Member
Dec 7, 2011
Hello everybody,

It seems like I have been outta touch for a while. Since right before the end of the BSC... I got into some other stuff and have a few projects sitting on the bench waiting for completion. Every time I walk into my office I say to myself "I need to get back to work!"

What do you guys do to get yoursleves motivated to get back to work? What's the longest you have gone neglecting kits etc?

Hope everybody is well! Looking forward to getting back into the swing of things...

Enjoy the weather, do what ya want, shoot some guns and get to it when you feel it's right. I took a 45-60 day hiatus. It's easier to sit inside when the weather starts getting crappy too
take it slow just do a bit every day or every other day until you get that mojo back, ;)
Since I've only been back in the hobby for a about 6 or 7 months I guess I never have thought about it yet. I see no reason to pressure yourself to finish something unless your building for a contest or group build. I'm kinda weird, when it feels right and I'm in a creative mood I go sit at the modeling bench. When it doesn't feel right there's plenty to do on my honey can you do this list.
I goto my model bulding room when the Honey do list pisses me off which is about 18 hours of the day so its win win for me hahahaha. Im in the process of finishing my basement making it a complete hobby room for my daughter and I. One side is OUR KNEX room and the other side is my modeling room. Im set up there temporarily but have alot of improvements to do. Its one thing at a time as I have to have the cash to build my arsenal and the cash to finish my basement hahaha.
I was in a slump a couple autumns back....I simply picked an 'easy' kit and tried not to get away from an OOB build. i finished it and then I've been at it ever since.

I totally stop in the summer though. For me, modeling is an autumn, winter, early spring thing. Our winters are long though. ;)
Since I'm into planes, documentaries usually get the ideas sparking. Then i peruse the online sites for kits and such, that gets the ideas flowing. Then i look at my near empty wallet and cry.
Everybody has lied to you so far. You have 90 days. If after 90 days you haven't touched something model related, they confiscate it all and redistribute it in the model world. Nobody has told you that, because they all want some of your loot. :p ;D
Group builds are the best motivations you can get!

95% of my builds where for GB or contests(BSC)
I have just gone 2 months without touching plastic. Moving will do that to you. I am not having trouble getting motivation to get back to it, but in finding time to build. Work, married life, my daughter are all getting in the way.
Building models is a lot of fun, but its also tedious hard work, and so not everyone wants to do tedious hard work ALL the time. I go through periods where I just dont feel like building at all. But it always comes back.
I've been in a slump since may, when I moved IRL. Done a bit here and there but just haven't had the passion for it lately. Also, got hooked on retro arcade games and have been playing lots of space ship shoot em ups lol.
Been there, Done that! Got the hat!

What ever you do! Beside learning to Shoot at Zombies ! (inside joke).

Take the time to tidy up your work area! clean and re-organize! Pack those shelve queens that bogged you down in the first place and Basically do like Scott said! Go for an OOB build. But only!
when the Mind set is present! If you don't feel like it? Stay away!
Or practice your AKi skills on junker kits! Stay away from resin or P.E. Just pick a plain old kit!

Just don't do like "I did last week" and Junk over 100 kits just to gain "room" to buy more! LOL. But get back into it when it feels right! Maybe use that down time to "save up" for a model you could not afford before?

Keep positive! The will and desire will comeback in due time!

Norm, I know you want to join me on Zombie Patrol! Haha.

Thanks everybody for all the great tips! I am back into the swing of things, the revel b 25 I'm working on has been a fun kit with tons of little errors that Im just having fun with.

Thanks again,

I just started this hobby within the last month or so. Today was my first setback when I walked into my man cave to find a inch or more of water in my man cave from the downpours weve had the past day. The working conditions just werent right for me and was really bummed ha ha. Now the waters gone but still a wet floor. Needless to say Im going to be taking a little break already and waterproofing and finishing my basement to avoid this for the future.

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