One more thing, I see guys on youtube put some king of putty on a stick so they can put any small parts/figure stuck on the putty and paint it.
Is this some modellers putty or plain kids stuff from toysrus ?
You can also use Silly Putty (you know the stuff that bounces that's made for kids) as well... Jon is right and the stuff he's talking about is common... it goes by many different names but it's usually sold as Blu-Tac or Poster Putty. It main use is to hold up posters in kids rooms without using nails or tacks putting holes in the walls. It's pretty tacky stuff and comes in handy for holding small parts for painting... stick a little on the end of a straw or a bamboo skewer and stick your part on it. Holds it pretty good (I've dropped the stick with the part on it and it didn't fall off)... Good stuff!