I love using the vallejo paint range. PanthermanI threw out my entire stock of Vallejo paints and purchased Tamiya's entire line of X and XF paint. That's what I use exclusively
Vallejo primers cover and adhere very well on clean plastic. Vallejo paints are intended to be used with an undercoat of one of their primers.For the base coat, I normally use Tamiya or Mr. Aqueous, because they cover well and adhere to the surface. After that, I use almost whatever paint gets the job done and is the colour I have in mind. I have given up spraying Vallejo, Mig etc. over bare plastic because they just don't like that, and — in addition to ditching lacquers as I mentioned above — I don't buy any Hataka acrylics anymore because they really don't want to cover worth a damn.
I'd say adhesion is relative. In my experience, Vallejo adheres adequately on areas that are never going to be handled or masked. It still sits on the plastic and doesn't have the chemical burn-in of a lacquer.Vallejo primers cover and adhere very well on clean plastic. Vallejo paints are intended to be used with an undercoat of one of their primers.