What you need to know to buy an RC Heli

I saw this last night, thanks for posting. I've always admired helicopters, played lots of flight sims with helis, and did a fair bit of riding in them in 2011.

Looks like a fun (if expensive!) hobby.
Yep Java, you should start small and work your way up to the big stuff. The small electrics are easy to repair and don't cost a lot to repair either.

Cave_dweller: it is a fun hobby, but expect to spend a lot of time practicing before you get good at it. It is challenging....
One of the cool parts about the heli I bought it's ment to be a lerning one is you can buy a sim for your computer that plugs into the r/c controler you can learn to fly via computer before fling the real one gets you use to the controls and such.
That is a cool feature, one that I do recommend. That is how I learned to hover.
it sure saves wear and tear on the helo a friend has the same one as me so I learned on his before unfortunitly mine blew the main control unit while in flight lost my main rotor so instant crash got the parts now to fix all the damage, but still lots of fun to play with.
It sure does save on repair bills. The larger heli's can be quite expensive to repair. Sorry to hear you lost the main rotor, that must have been some crash!
it was good thing we have a well stocked hobby shop here did alot of damage still putting it all back together

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