wHUSe that kNOCKin at my front door


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2012
Decided to give some attention to this printed beauty that MEATLOAFr over on AST sent me recently.
I've always wanted a model of this ship from the first time I saw it on STTNG...

:cool: :p:D

Husnock - STTNG - The Survivors by Steve J, on Flickr

This is in 1-5000 scale. A massive piece of solid plastic...

Husnock Warship 009 by Steve J, on Flickr

A little cleanup to do, this plastic is very hard. Rather than try to sand out the shallower ridges left from the printing process, I will probably just level out them and any deeper gouges with some Tamiya polyester putty before sanding with my new electric sander tool from Micro Mark. I will also cover some areas with pieces of thin styrene sheet. So expect to see some panels forming on the surfaces.
I could also use AVES epoxy putty where I expect to see wear.

Stay tuned!
This plastic material is very strong, I keep thinking I'm going to snap the pointy bits off but the plastic doesn't break.
Cool stuff but harder than styrene by far and dense as hell.

First thing was to drill a hole for my display rod mounting tube.
Out of focus but this is my pinvise drilling the pilot hole into the underside:

Husnock Warship 011 by Steve J, on Flickr

Underside after puttying with PPP and sanding:

Husnock Warship 010 by Steve J, on Flickr

Using Dymo label tape as guard rails while scribing panel lines:

Husnock Warship 012 by Steve J, on Flickr

Panels line scribing came out well after touchups:

Husnock Warship 014 by Steve J, on Flickr

Groovy... finished starboard side panel line scribing:

Husnock Warship 015 by Steve J, on Flickr

After several rounds of puttying and sanding most of the surface is smooth.
After adding some detailing she'll get a few shots of filler primer though before I move on to airbrushing the basecoat:

Husnock Warship 016 by Steve J, on Flickr

Next up... some cleanup and scratching some small details.
Details... Details...

Framing was added around the stern RCS thruster cluster. Hey! Thruster cluster... I kinda like that! :D
A drum/canister was added to the starboard side under the engine vent:

Husnock Warship 017 by Steve J, on Flickr

Styrene rings added to tubes and brushed with Mister Surfacer:

Husnock Warship 018 by Steve J, on Flickr

Rings added to the drier hose tubes using thin styrene rod:

Husnock Warship 019 by Steve J, on Flickr

What a beautiful, aggressive looking warship. Very pointy. It just screams "You better leave... NOW!":

Husnock Warship 020 by Steve J, on Flickr

Port profile view after adding my own detailing and brush priming:

Husnock Warship 021 by Steve J, on Flickr

After detailing was added to the stern and the three "drier hoses" using styrene rod and strip I brushed everything with Mister Surfacer thick primer:

Husnock Warship 022 by Steve J, on Flickr

Almost ready for spray primer:

Husnock Warship 023 by Steve J, on Flickr
I added a short piece of round tubing and two sizes of small styrene half round rod to the forecastle of the ship.
Most of the original detail had gotten sanded down in the earlier printer ridge removal phase of the build and I thought I could do better:

Husnock Warship 024 by Steve J, on Flickr

After some minor detailing after brushing with Mister Surfacer and sanding over and over a few times, she's almost ready for a shot
or two of Duplicolor filler primer to fill in any remaining tiny sratches or divots\:

Husnock Warship 025 by Steve J, on Flickr

Cleaned up around the impulse engines. Took some time with my seam scraper and scribing tool.
I will add framing using very small square Evergreen rod:

Husnock Warship 026 by Steve J, on Flickr

A video is worth a few hundred words (or something like that) so here is one from me ...

Husnock Warship WIP by Steve J, on Flickr

More on detailing to come... stay tuned...
Husnocking along... :)

Evergreen styrene rod framing and strips added to impulse engines. Half round rod used to make matching "fishing rods"
atop the aft section either side of the main superstructure:

Husnock Warship 027 by Steve J, on Flickr

Will brush with Mister Surfacer again before final sanding:

Husnock Warship 028 by Steve J, on Flickr

Doohikies added to underside of three weapon spikes. "Fishing rods" added to recessed center section of underside:

Husnock Warship 029 by Steve J, on Flickr

Panel detailing added to "fishing rods" under the large "drier hoses" on both sides,:

Husnock Warship 030 by Steve J, on Flickr

More cleanup done. I also drilled and filed out the openings of each RCS thruster nozzle:

Husnock Warship 031 by Steve J, on Flickr

Detailing added to underside, Think I will glue a rectangle of thin styrene sheet surrounding the display rod port:

Husnock Warship 032 by Steve J, on Flickr

I drilled a hole in the wooden base for the tube that will hold the brass display rod and inserted the rod into the tube:

Husnock Warship 033 by Steve J, on Flickr

The model on it's base after a brushing extensively with Mister Surfacer following final cleanup and detailing:

Husnock Warship 035 by Steve J, on Flickr

Yessir... that's as level as it gets with this beast:

Husnock Warship 034 by Steve J, on Flickr
A little more sanding with 600 grit sanding film before spraying with fine filler primer.
Then I'll apply some airbrush coats of the main hull color:

Husnock Warship 037 by Steve J, on Flickr

Mister Surfacer brushed on. I added six tiny glass jewelry beads on top of the main superstructure:

Husnock Warship 036 by Steve J, on Flickr

Underside detailing after a brushing with with Mister Surfacer.
One more go over with 600 or 800 grit sandpaper before final filler primer spray coats:

Husnock Warship 038 by Steve J, on Flickr
After final (and I :D really mean it) detailing... the Husnock gets its first coat of Duplicolor filler primer:

Husnock Warship 039 by Steve J, on Flickr

Aft end. First coat of Duplicolor filler primer:

Husnock Warship 040 by Steve J, on Flickr

After second coat of Duplicolor filler primer:

Husnock Warship 041 by Steve J, on Flickr

After second coat of Duplicolor filler primer:

Husnock Warship 042 by Steve J, on Flickr

After third coat of Duplicolor filler primer:

Husnock Warship 043 by Steve J, on Flickr

After third coat of Duplicolor filler primer:

Husnock Warship 044 by Steve J, on Flickr
After third coat of Duplicolor filler primer. Very smooth:

Husnock Warship 045 by Steve J, on Flickr

Aft end after final primer coat and some minor cleanup::

Husnock Warship 046 by Steve J, on Flickr

First basecoat of Humbrol steel gray enamel airbrushed with my old Paasche:

Husnock Warship 047 by Steve J, on Flickr

Second coat of Humbrol steel gray enamel:

Husnock Warship 048 by Steve J, on Flickr

Managed to airbrush some of the belly with steel gray enamel.
Will give underside another spray of steel gray once the top is dry:

Husnock Warship 049 by Steve J, on Flickr

After some minor cleanup and smoothing with 800 grit:

Husnock Warship 051 by Steve J, on Flickr

Next I will paint the darker grey areas:

Husnock Warship 052 by Steve J, on Flickr

Keep on Husnockin' folks! :cool:
The light and dark gunmetal chalks ready for application. I even have grey:

Husnock Warship 054 by Steve J, on Flickr

Darker grey areas were painted a slightly darker shade of steel grey, which I thought was too light, so...
i rubbed the surfaces with Tamiya gunmetal pastel chalk:

Husnock Warship 053 by Steve J, on Flickr

After chalking and rubbing with dark gunmetal:

Husnock Warship 055 by Steve J, on Flickr

Next project sneak peek... a printed 1/5000 scale D:

Husnock Warship 056 by Steve J, on Flickr

Initial sponge and micro-brush application of light gunmetal chalk to aft underside surfaces:

Husnock Warship 057 by Steve J, on Flickr

Light gunmetal application on dorsal hull begins after underside was finished:

Husnock Warship 058 by Steve J, on Flickr

Underside finished except for gloss coats and decals:

Husnock Warship 059 by Steve J, on Flickr

Back half dorsal surfaces prepped for rubbing and chalk removal/blending:

Husnock Warship 060 by Steve J, on Flickr

Underside sprayed with Testors glosscote:

Husnock Warship 061 by Steve J, on Flickr

Dorsal hull after one shot of Testors glosscote:

Husnock Warship 062 by Steve J, on Flickr

Stand by for the next exciting installment! :roll:
Moving right along...

After first shot of glosscote:

Husnock Warship 063 by Steve J, on Flickr

Two shots of glosscote:

Husnock Warship 064 by Steve J, on Flickr

Squaring off...
The Husnock model has, dare I say it, FIVE TIMES THE MASS, of the Enterprise.
Weighing each model in my hand I can believe it. The Husnock is a brick. Far heavier than the Enterprise:

Husnock Warship 065 by Steve J, on Flickr

Another video...

Husnock Warship Video 003 by Steve J, on Flickr

Aft engine vents decaled. Grills painted dark grey:

Husnock Warship 066 by Steve J, on Flickr

After repairing an errant enamel paint smudge that had damaged the finish on the upper port bow,
I masked off and airbrushed more of the steel gray basecoat followed by more gunmetal Tamiya chalk.
She was then sealed with gloss on the top and aft end:

Husnock Warship 067 by Steve J, on Flickr

After three shots of clear gloss coating. Ready for window decals:

Husnock Warship 068 by Steve J, on Flickr

Found out the bridge windows decals don't quite fit. :oops:
Contacted MeatloafR to get him to send me some revised ones.
While I wait I will spend some time on the Ent D: :)

Husnock Warship 069 by Steve J, on Flickr
Now for some dirty workbench pics... ;)

Aft engines after paint pen touch-ups and gloss coats:

Husnock Warship 074 - Windows Next by Steve J, on Flickr
After 3 coats of gloss for window decaling:

Husnock Warship 075 - Windows Next by Steve J, on Flickr

Husnock Warship 076 - Glossy by Steve J, on Flickr

Windows in progress:

Husnock Warship 077 - Windows by Steve J, on Flickr

Windows done. Need to finish the base and may order a decal for it:

Husnock Warship 078 - Windows Done by Steve J, on Flickr

Husnock Warship 079 - Windows Done by Steve J, on Flickr

Husnock Warship 080 - Windows Done by Steve J, on Flickr

Husnock Warship 081 - Windows Done by Steve J, on Flickr

A few more dirty workbench pics in store before I take the final pics/vids.

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