Will we ever learn?

Too late ya said it!

Uh-uh, I tooked it back after I posted it due to lack of views.

Life is simply too short to waste on posting words that people ain't gonna read.

I know you agree.

My wife has instructions... If my funeral isn't standing room only, cancel the whole thing.

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Interesting subject.
How did you manage all that crumpled and torn steel?
Did you actually heat the plastic to get it to bend like that?
Uh-uh, I tooked it back after I posted it due to lack of views.

Life is simply too short to waste on posting words that people ain't gonna read.

I know you agree.

My wife has instructions... If my funeral isn't standing room only, cancel the whole thing.

I'm sure you mean well, I just don't know what you mean. I'm always happy to read the words of others.
I told my wife..."no funeral" just leave me to the bears and coyotes.

Interesting subject.
How did you manage all that crumpled and torn steel?
Did you actually heat the plastic to get it to bend like that?
Let' see....a ciggie lighter a pair of needle nose an old hacksaw blade and some scorched finger tips
and also having an idea of what you want to achieve.
Simple really,.

I'm sure you mean well, I just don't know what you mean. I'm always happy to read the words of others.
I told my wife..."no funeral" just leave me to the bears and coyotes.


Ok. Apologies.

I won't do it again.

Ok. Apologies.

I won't do it again.

Now I'm really confused :confused: just what are you apologizing for?
I never take offence unless it is mean spirited which I'm sure you are not.
Maybe I just don't get your brand of humor.....no biggie:) there's a lot of things
that just fly right over my head.

Relax my friend,


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