Thanx for th kind words & hangin in there while I got a set of Shoes for this Lady !! ;D
" As You wish Sire "
"Well Alright.... " The Track situation has worked it's self out . I've ended up grabbin' a set of Friullies ( Thanx E.Raines !!) . They've been cleaned up & Dunked in USCHI van der Rosten's Track Burnishing Fluid ! I gotta say that They came out lookin' pretty Phat ! Awesome patina......
It got it's self down into all of th crevices of the track !! These Tracks are "Naked" ... This is fresh out of th Fluid, dried !! This stuff ROX ! It's not as abrasive as Blacken-It. In fact I did a side by side test !
The Blacken- It set. One thing that i noticed between th two, Uschi's stayed relatively clean, where th Blacken- It got really murky soon after th Dunk. Tons of sediment in there. If you look at it, The Blacken-It didn't even get down into th Trax. I prepared both sets th same way - I let them "Pickle" in a container of Distilled White Vinegar. Plus I didn't really like th patina that I got from th Blacken-It.
Now They're ready for a Wash !! ......
...Meanwhile back at th Shoppe .....

Here She sits. I've chipped, & partially weathered th Hulk ! Still need to add th Pioneer Tools, & I'll twist up some Tow Cables with copper & lead wire. Some of th Road gear still need a bit of weathering & th Stowage box need to get put on ..... The reason .. I've have a Last Minute Update !! Also while test fitting th Friullies I've had a few Fenders PoP off ..They'll get fixed up. Th Insignia decal is from th kit & went down over a Black background. Which is consistant with th research on th Kompany in Normandy.

Since th Escape Hatch will be open (as th idea is that They've paused to reload etc. ) You can see into th Turret where th additional FuG 5 &
Uk.We receiver is located ( Since 007 came from th Factory as a Kommand Tiger , Turret M.G. was replaced with Radio set. Th FuG 5 is a resin one from a German CO. ( I've forgotten , as I've had that set for a number of years) The receiver came out of a Dragon Stug ( Panzer Shoppe Bone Yard) The Power cable is th insulation from Telephone wire & the connections from th 5 to th receiver are from .01"copper wire.

Every time I look at th Turret .. It's hard for Me to believe tat th Turret #'s are Kit supplied Decals ! From Carto-Graph, with a lil' Micro-Sol these Puppies sat right down into th Zimm ! The slant of th numbers is consistant with th numbering of th 101's Kommand Tigers. The Color denotes Company. Equally th Solid color on th Stowage Box is also consistent with 101's Kommand Tigers, again th White denotes Kompany.

The Box is from Verlinden's Tiger I detail set. I still need to Dip-In & paint th Crew Stowage that's in there.

The Periscopes got th usual treatment. Shot in AlClad transparent Green, Model Master Chrome avoiding th lenses, Vallejo Black .

It got a lil' sloppy on th Rear Deck. That was actually done with Vallejo's Games Sepia Ink ( Awesome Stuff) -Fuel Stains . Also added some General Wear & Tear.

I tried something new with regards to th streaking. .... I split 007 right down th middle , lengthwise. I used AK's Grime for Dk. Yellow Vehicles on th Right side & th Vallejo Games Sepia Ink on th left. Really Identical results. The only difference, AK's ability to play around with it ( as it's an Enamel it takes longer to dry, compared to th Ink, which dries in minutes ) which after doing so, I actually like th AK streaking grime better for something like this as It give Me time to mess around with it . Both dry to a semi-gloss ... (You just gotta really watch th Ink. Super dense & dries in literally minutes !! )