Ask & you shall receive !! Here's just another shorty update ! I've painted th Lower Hull . According to My research the Floors from th Spring of '44 onward were Oxide Red, the Side walls up to the Sponsons were the Grey Green & above that was Elfinbein ..... I pulled th tranny out to have access to painting th Instrument Panel & the 3 radio's - FuG 2 ( top left), FuG 5(top right) & UKw.E.e. receiver for the FuG 5( bottom left) . The Power Transformers are located behind the seat of the R.O. & in the Rack just behind him below th sponsons. They'll be wired up when th Tranny is in place for good. There's still just a bit of touch up left to do but I wanted to get these Pix up ! ;D

Here you can see the Power Transformers. Crews were left up to Their own on how to situate these.So, My crew used some EverGreen Angle & sheet styrene to make Their Rack ! ;D These will sit very tightly to the Bulk head - once that is in place. In th top picture you can see the supports for the Tranny made from EverGreen (2mmx4mm) strip. You can also see the Ammo bags for the Bow M.G. They are painted in Vallejo Canvas & the straps are Leather Brown & Black for the Caps. There are also 3 "racks" for the Ammo Boxes that will go there . These were made from EverGreen channel.

Here's a lil' better shot of the Rack & the Power Transformers

This is where We are at with th Tranny dry fitted into place. Yes indeed ... She's Tight !

A close-up of the Radio set. I'll get back in there & tidy up a bit. I put a lil' Future in th white areas to simulate the Glass for the Meter. The Smaller box hanging on the left side of the Rack is actually the Intercom Relay Box that will connect every one in th Tiger. Two leads come out of the top & go to the R.O. & Driver & the 2 connections on the bottom wind Their way up to th Turret that will connect to another Intercom Box up there for the Commander , Loader & Gunner.

Here's a close-up of the Driver's side. You can see th Instrument panel & the Steering Wheel, which , IIRC is the only Panzer to have an actual steering Wheel !
The colors I used for the Interior :
Oxide Red - Poly-S railroad colors - Oxide Red
Grey Green - Tamiya RLM Grey (XF-22)
ElfinBein - Tamiya Buff (XF-57 ) + Tamiya White (XF-2)
That'll do it for now .. I've started on th Turret & will add all of those Goodies & post soon !! Then ... It's on to th Exterior !!!
Ah !!!! Let's go on a Pub Crawl ! CHEERS !!!
gimme shelter " the rolling stones live texas 1972