Workbench update (Now building Revell Ar 196 A-3)


cut. glue. paint. repeat.
May 24, 2009
Hi SMA. It's been a long while since I've posted anything build related. Things have been very busy, so I've been modelling on and off, but really didn't have the time to post a build thread.

Here's some of the stuff I've finished recently (and not so recently). I apologize about the photos and colours in advance - I took these pictures very quickly in our sunroom this afternoon; you can see they were all taken on the same pine table but due to changing angles and lighting the colours shown are not true to real life.

Early June Zappa and I went to the Western Canadian Regional Model contest. I was super happy with how well I did.

Then I set to trying to finish some SMA Big Spring contest builds. Unfortunately the next two builds were started in 2013 (i think).
Italeri 1/72 X-32 JSF Prototype


Italeri 1/72 X-35 JSF Prototype



Next up is a 1/72 Airfix Spitfire IXc. Not much of a cockpit, but a ton of fun to build.



I love a good spitfire build... ;D

At the same time as the Spitfire I build a 1/72 Airfix BF-109 in post war Finnish markings.


This is a 1/72 Matchbox / Revell Hawker Fury. I had a bit of a decal disaster with this one, so most of the top wing markings are actually painted on.


Early in this years Big Spring contest I was totally motivated by a shout out from Adam, sadly with my summer school teaching load I was unable to finish this Revell 1/72 RAH-66 in time. This is my first ever heli build. The original build thread can be found here:,12112.0.html



One thing I really enjoy building is vintage kits. This is a 1/72 Matchbox HE 111. This was a kit I bought at a local swap meet, and was still in it's original (1975 era) box. I built this strictly as a nostalgia build, having built one as a kid. I absolutely love the box art from these old Matchbox kits, so I made a base out of it.



Last up is my Revell of Germany 1/48 P-47N. This was an experiment in finishing a NMF aircraft using Vallejo Model Air metallic paints (not the new line of Metal-Air however). Includes Ultracast seat and wheels, and Zotz Decals.




Again sorry about the post length, and thanks for looking.

Re: Workbench update (pic heavy - sorry...)

Wow...awesome builds. Gives me something to aspire to!!!!

Thanks for the posts.

Re: Workbench update (pic heavy - sorry...)

Thanks a bunch guys. :) I appreciate it. I'll be updating this thread again as I finish up some other started/shelf queen type builds.

Re: Workbench update (pic heavy - sorry...)

No worries about the length of the po0st. That's an awesome collection of models there!
Re: Workbench update (pic heavy - sorry...)

Those are some beautiful builds, Jason! And congratulations on the awards, too.
Re: Workbench update (pic heavy - sorry...)

Prettiest Jug I've ever done seen ;D

Cheers ,
Re: Workbench update (pic heavy - sorry...)

Nice work JMac and congrats on the awards. They all look great so it's hard to pick a favourite, but that Spitfire looks awesome. And the Jug, and the .....
Re: Workbench update (pic heavy - sorry...)

Thank-you for the kind comments. :)

I thought I would continue to update this thread with stuff I'm finishing. In addition to my dual Spitfire thread, I've been working on this 1:48 Dragon Ju 88. The Dragon kit is nice, although I'm finding it finicky to put together (could just be me). This was a kit I picked up at our local swap meet last spring. The kit was partially started, unfortunately I didn't realize that when I bought it. I started it almost right away, but it languished over the summer and fall, largely due to a busy period at work, and me trying to re-work some of the already started portions of the kit. I've got most of the major assemblies together. I still filling seams and should be able to re-scribe the panel lines soon.


Re: Workbench update (pic heavy - sorry...)

Work on the Dragon Ju 88 continues. After much filling, sanding and scribing, I'm so close to laying down some primer.
Not my best describing work, but it will have to do. I've still to finish some clean up and masking on smaller parts, landing gear bay doors and the like.

Thanks for stopping by and taking a look.






Re: Workbench update (pic heavy - sorry...)

Thanks N.D.

I got most of the priming done this morning, however I found another round of spots that will need to be touched up.

Actual real paint is close...

Thanks for stopping in and taking a look.
Re: Workbench update (pic heavy - sorry...)

After what felt like a ton of masking;



I've still got a few touch-ups paint wise to do, (i thought I was all done but found a few more spots this morning). Then gloss and decals.

Thanks for stopping in and taking a look.
Re: Workbench update (pic heavy - sorry...)

My god. :eek: Love the heli and Spitfire!
Re: Workbench update (pic heavy - sorry...)

Nice job on the splinter camo!
Re: Workbench update (pic heavy - sorry...)

I love a good pic heavy thread... I don't care what anyone else says. Pics say more then words anyway and besides... I really can't read! LOL :) Great work my friend!
Re: Workbench update (pic heavy - sorry...)

Sorry for the delay in replying; I been ill the past couple months.

Thanks for the kind comments aboynamedred, Baron and LrdSatyr8. I appreciate them.

I did finish up the Ju 88, here's my final pictures. I didn't have the energy to do much in the way of weathering, I might go back and take a second look at it in the future, but for now it's done and that's that. I know everyone has their favourite brands, but it'll be awhile before I build another Dragon aircraft kit...



Re: Workbench update (pic heavy - sorry...)

And with the Ju 88 done, I've started something new. Zappa and I are both building the 1:32 Revell Ar 196 at the same time. Here's the kit engine mostly assembled with the preliminary painting done.



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