Working with chrome


Active Member
Aug 27, 2024
My semi truck build arrived and there is tons of chrome. Is there anything i need to be careful with when dealing with chrome plastic?
My semi truck build arrived and there is tons of chrome. Is there anything i need to be careful with when dealing with chrome plastic?
My semi truck build arrived and there is tons of chrome. Is there anything i need to be careful with when dealing with chrome plastic?
Yes. Be careful you don't get any of the super clean in your eyes when you throw all that Chrome in a vat of super clean
No… if you're going to remove chrome plating altogether. SuperClean strips chrome off not wash it.

No special instruction in handling chrome parts ona model car or truck. Scrape area where glue needs to be when gluing in place - ie: bumpers. Glue don't adhere well with chrome plating
I'll second stripping the chrome, and second using SuperClean. I use it, and it was to strip chrome that I first tried it.
I strip the chrome because it just doesn't look right, to my eye, to depict real chrome in 1:1. It's too "bright" without having the reflective quality of real chrome.

And also, there is almost always some area that needs addressing, like a sprue gate or a seam, that would damage the chrome and take more work to clean up. I find it easier just to strip it and then proceed as I normally would with assembly, priming, and painting.
So should i assume there is no way to keep the original chrome and patch the sprue damage and the seams with any success at all?

Dont they have matching chrome paint?

It appears that revell chrome spray is the best but very expensive.

I wish they would stop placing chrome on sprues all together.

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i guess i could weather the seams to look like they are welded or shape putty so it looks welded. But putty is never a clean job and i would probably scratch the chrome all over the place.

Since there is no way of hiding the seams without a total repaint i figure ill show them but give them a purpose.

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