Wow, what a past few months those were!


Feb 21, 2012
Hey everyone! Missed everybody and this forum, but the last two months were a complete whirlwind. Why'd I go AWOL? Well, I had an opportunity to jump to a new job fall out of the clear blue sky and land in my lap. Basically, I learned that my bosses at my last position were just nodding their heads saying they were going to get me some job-related training (Security+ certification, I'm a professional computer nerd), but had no intent to do so. They also said they were going to get me transferred to a new position that would be a bit more challenging, but that turned out to be lipservice as well.

So, just as soon as I found out about my previous employer's lack of integrity, my friend said they were looking for some new UNIX SysAdmins where he works and the next thing I knew I had an interview. A week after that, I had a job offer. Two weeks after that I was at my new job, and here I am now. I took a paycut, but the new job is fantastic - both challenging and fun. So worth it!

Now I work at a system integration lab for a large defense company. Best part is everything was in the same town, and the commute is only slightly longer so the change isn't bad at all. I even get free coffee. Yeah, I'm seriously stoked about that because the lab I work in is basically a big, chilled server room. Brr! :D Never thought I'd be wearing a coat at work during the summer!

Anyways, I'm glad to be back though I am a bit sad about missing out on getting my contest build completed. How's everyone else been? Anything cool going on? Is 42 really the meaning of life and the Tardis is, indeed, bigger on the inside. ;D
Good move ! its only Money ! Your Brainiac is best served at your new job ! Awesome to have you back...

Good luck with it !
Thanks everyone! I was thinking about trying to finish my contest entry for this year, but I think I just came down with something that sapped my will to exist, LOL. I may have to call work tomorrow AM for a sick day. Blergh.

Anyway, I'll probably spend tonight catching up on everyone's activities over the last few months. I missed this place!

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