Y-Wing WIP Studio Scale

On the most humid day in years on the East Coast of the USA, of course is the day i insist on primering my beloved Y-Wing. I hope it sets ok. i'll give it a day and see.
Update time! So we got her primered and the cockpit is done and the fiber optics trimmed. Its going to be a few days till i can base coat because i waiting on needles for my Badger airbrush. Mine i have are bent :( But i did mix up the base coat color in a bottle. Its a mix of 30% deck tan and 70% white.
The cockpit was painted sea grey (Vallejo), washed with brownish black pigment then dry brushed Bolt Gun.

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That looks so good! Really looks true to the studio model, love that size of scale. Keep up the good work!
That's Fan-FRICKIN-Tabulous!!!!!!
The Y-wing was always one of my faves from Star Wars. I was incredibly dis-appointed when the only version AMT/ERTL released was the very tiny Snap kit.It's built, and painted on my shelf, but holds no candle to this wonderful kit!
p.s., you are doing an excellent job with her.
Thanks guys that means alot to me! I'm doing my best to do the kit right as I've wanted this kit for soo long and it was a journey to finally get one.
I wish my airbrush needles weren't wrecked because the canopy is ready for paint. But its all good because if you haven't noticed my workbench is thrashed so i really need to rememdy that tonite.
These are difficult to get and may be too big and/or too pricey for ome BUT there is a pretty darn accurate 1/48 resin kit that just came out. half the size of this but still big. way cheaper. i can get you guys info on that if youre interested.
It aint hard to work w resin. its just very different than a standard kit. you can hit me up for any tips. there's a litle more clean-up...the parts must have a soapy bath...puttying and fitting. lots of sanding. but other than that, all your knowledge of scale modelling applies.
That 1/48th scale sounds good. I wouldn't know where to keep one as big as the studio scale. Is it only available in North America?

On the subject of Resin, are there any special rules for joining 2 pieces? Does still react the same to plastic cement/CA glue etc?
If 2 pieces of resin that is solid and NOT hollow like a styrene kit, it is best to tap a hole with a pin vise or drill and add a piece of small brass tube to act a a dowel. good CA glue can easily hold most parts together but larger heavy pieces usually require 5 minute epoxy and clamping.
Cool. Thanks for that.

Got my little eye on a couple of resin kits, but most of them aren't available in the UK and I hate ordering from the States as I always get hit by the dreaded customs fee!
To avoid customs make sure the declaration slip is marked as "gift" from the seller. it helps as i ship to Europe all the time.
That sounds like the way to do it between 2 people, but I don't think a company would agree to this. They always declare the value don't they, or else break the law which isn't good for a business.
I break all kinds of laws all the time. I grew up like an outlaw in rough neighborhoods up until 2 year ago. You can always ask them to declare as a gift. they may say yes.
People must do that sort of thing all the time. How are they gonna know?

Unless Her Majesty's tax collectors are watching us even now. *Looks both ways and quickly scarpers*