Your Modeling Routine

My routine?
Fifteen seconds of "Housewives of…" or
Fifteen seconds of wifey complaining about… and
up the stairs I go.

A proper glencairn of smooth Irish, patchouli alit in my burner, and the soothing sound of my tinnitus is all I need to begin spilling paint.
I was sitting at the bench a couple days ago making some ridiculously small part...ya know having fun, when the furnace kicked on...nothing new... and I started hearing cicadas buzzing one after another like they do all day long in the summer....very calming sound. After awhile I broke from my trance and laughed my ass's February, minus 12 degrees...2 feet of snow on the ground...when the furnace kicked off my tinnitis regained it's normal pitch.
Tinnitus the curse of aging. The funny thing is, I still hear really well except when the wife is talking but that's caused by tuning her out. ;)
I have had tinnitus since before the military (loud music, concerts, gunfire). The explosives and gunfire of the military certainly didn't help. I am now receiving 40% VA Disability due to hearing damage.
My routine is to grab my beverage, sit at one bench and see where I'm at with that build. Look ahead in the destructions to see if Ineed to build a subassembly. If nothing grabs my attention I will move to the second bench and repeat. I will usually end up finding something to do.

My routine often involves thinking about a build when I'm away from the bench. This is a habit I developed in my career in design.

I find it useful to think about a problem without staring it in the face, where I might get sidetracked or discouraged by details that actually might be keeping me from the solution.

If I can get familiar enough with the parts on the sprue, and with the general flow of the build described in the instructions, I can sometimes visualize assembly beforehand, and do a 'dry run' in my head. Doesn't always work, but a good mental workout for my aging brain.

At the bench I have two monitors, one usually has the instructions (downloaded from Scalemates). The other will have images from my 'Inspiration folder' or relevant bookmarked web sites.

I listen to music, preferably without lyrics as I find that too distracting. Have a sip of the brew of the day.

And of course, I leave this site open in one window, enjoying the 'remote companionship' and the knowledge that somewhere out there, there's a 'whole lotta building going on'!
I just go up to my modelling room in the attic, switch on the radio, usually the light as well and also the space heater if it's cold, sit down and start working on whatever it is I'm busy with. After a while, I will have had enough for now, so I get back up, turn the radio, light and/or heater back off, and leave :)
Hey I was just wondering if yous guys have a routine or ritual. For example I have to have smokes, Monster drink, and music playing when I model. You know, me time sorta's where the magic magic I mean frustration, confusion and "where the $#@% is that (fill in the blank) at" View attachment 117295
I listen to music have a flask of coffee and have a set idea of what I can achieve in the time available to me.
I am 64 yrs old and have joined a Forum for the first time, so I apologise in advance for the dumb questions I am bound to ask in the future

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