Your most wanted ship Kit...

I like that you have a theme!

The history becomes all the more poignant with a theme for me, and when building I get get lost in the stories knowing that their namesakes were together at a definite, and critical point in time.
I don't build ships, but vehicles and figures from North Africa on all sides.

HI WELL if you dont build ships an do amour then i wont bother to post the ships in their test tanks then but you sir enjoy your vehicles an figures then happy modeling to you sir
HI BarleyBop see you have put a sad smilele on do you want to see the ships in test tank then ? if you do say so an i will try an find them up as ive built 8 big ships over the last 30 yrs an got hundreds of pic of their builds
i wont bother to post the ships in their test tanks
... understand, but I bet there are some ship folks who'll be mighty disappointed!
We love to hear about and see such great workmanship and dedication to the craft, no matter the subject matter!
HI You ship guys if you are instrested then here are some early pics of my NIMITZ still under build carrier build206.jpgcarrier build202.jpg in test tank to check for leaks an balance
Thanks @BOATMAN , hope it wasn't too much trouble.
...just amazing!

Do you know if tank testing for scale boats is like wind tunnel testing for planes? Do the smaller, scale ships behave similar to the full size ones?

Cheers, Brian
Thanks @BOATMAN , hope it wasn't too much trouble.
...just amazing!

Do you know if tank testing for scale boats is like wind tunnel testing for planes? Do the smaller, scale ships behave similar to the full size ones?

Cheers, Brian
WELL Brain no no trouble as i have all my ship models builds in their own files folders not sure about aircraft but small boats bob about in the water any thing under 3 ft or so an dont look realistic as remember you can scale the ship but you cant scale the water as the real ship sail in the same water BUT when models as big as my NIMITZ are on the water they behave like the real ship an dont bob about best i can exsplain it
Haha! And I get all excited when I glue on a door handle. These are EPIC kits, for EPIC builds! :oops:
Yeah, I've said elsewhere this is my first floater in about 45 years, but the amount of time involved is high when compared to tanks and planes, even complex ones.

That is not a diss, I appreciate anything that slows me down, one reason I like planes with 200 parts and tanks with 800. They force me to work on my patience and I find it cathartic. But my boat is nothing like some of these other ones, only ~850 parts for the USS Texas. But there's a lot of small detail which combined with my newbieness to the genre...I"M DIGGING IT!
I'd love to see some kits in 1/400th scale but I know that will never happen. I have a several ships and numerous submarines in that scale that have not been replicated in 1/350th. The ship kit I'd most want to see is the German raider Atlantis with options to change her into her different disguises. Komet and Penguin would also be welcome additions.
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USS Coral Sea CV-43, found a kit a while back but couldnt swing it at the time, went back, its gone, and cannot seem to find it again, I guess I will just have to butcher a USS Midway Kit
Yeah I a lot of older kits really did not care about scale consistency as much as getting the largest subject they could into "box scale"

I think it is one of those things where they just aim for something around a certain size, then figure out if it will fit in one of the box sizes they currently use, then just adjust as needed for that...whatever scale it happens to be

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