Your most wanted ship Kit...

1/543rd scale? C'mon, everyone knows about the 1/540th scale, why not use that?

I'm just wondering about the math to be honest, I think they made the cast then just measured it to find out what scale they ended up with.

Is that Russian? It does look pretty sleek.
i think its actually the first PLAN design if im correct . i know the last class they had was the ski-jump design taken from the russians
Not wanted but made some time ago, Airfix HMS Fearless
I actually went to the Falklands conflict aboard her in 1982
Landed 2nd battalion of the Royal Marines at Goose Green
when it all began
i drank with some royal navy guys in Gibraltar back in 1991 who were vets of that conflict and saw some horrendous stuff. they told a bunch of stories and were clearly very effected still. dont know how much they talk about it in the UK these days , but here , like most history , its a forgotten episode.
@domer94 Likewise, I joined RN in 1974, as the opportunities were far greater than the Irish Navel Service,,
signed on for 9 years and enjoyed every minute, I too saw some horrendous sights, then went on to be a
Paramedic where I also witnessed more of the same , glutton for punishment me
There was some talk in the UK some time ago about negotiating a handover to Argentina, personally I think
that would be an insult to those who died, I lost 2 friends, one of which I did my basic training with
1 on the Coventry and 1 on the Sheffield
Mine is not a ship, but a boat. I currently run a 1963 17' Century Resorter (all wood...looks like a CrisCraft) for skiing, towing, and just getting oohs and aaahs from "regular" boats. A friend found a 50s era Coronado model, but they're not the same. I've searched, but found nothing.

My intent now is to use the Coronado as a template to fab up a Resorter model of wood. Fortunately, I have the real thing as reference.

I really do like that USS Constitution, though. (Anyone ever see "Master and Commander: Far Side of the World"?)
(Anyone ever see "Master and Commander: Far Side of the World"?)
"When you are becalmed for days, thirsty, suffering, not sure if you will die out there on the ocean, you look for answers."

Nope, never heard of that movie.
WELL IVE GOT the dvd of that movie an i was not impressed an just got this ship kit as my wife jen helped me with the cost an it USS HORNET
CV 8 SO i can build it as the dolittle raid on japan when i get to it an its a monter an heavy could hardly lift the box an big just over 5 ft long an had to take pic of it standin up as to big to get in camera lens an i hope to light her up IMG_0695.JPG

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