Your ultimate wargaming project...


Active Member
Dec 8, 2009
My dream wargaming project would be to create a whole chapter of the Blood Angel Army. I know some of us wargaming have tackled on some epic projects, but what would be your most ultimate project for wargaming?
ahhh, I don't think I can afford to be anymore epic than I already have been. Sorry, but I can give advice for what its worth for anyone willing to try to achieve such lofty goals.
My dream wargaming project was a full regiment of battlemechs from Battletech.
108 mechs, plus support ships.
Too bad it can't happen now.
why not? Its all still available, thru Iron wind metals, they even cost reasonable and all the unseen have been re sculpted into re seen.
Problem is, Jeep, I really don't have room for that many mechs to just gather dust anymore
I know what you mean, we got maybe 10 people to play once a week for a few months and then it kind of faded away again, hero scape tiles make a AWESOME battle field though
i don't even want to think about this ;)
but right now id settle for getting my dwarf army finished.not good when everywhere you look there's 100s 20/28mm figures screaming paint me lol
I went to historicon a few weeks ago and watched a 1/72 WW2 airbattle game for a few minutes. It was interesting in that some waves of B17. and Lancaster were fling across a HUGE table of carpet remnants. Being (stupid spell check) Machine gunned by German BF and FWs while the allied fighter escort was failing "navigation rolls" flying in random circles via scatter dice results. The bomber players were NOT amused.
DreamKnight said:
My dream wargaming project would be to create a whole chapter of the Blood Angel Army. I know some of us wargaming have tackled on some epic projects, but what would be your most ultimate project for wargaming?

Cheater Army! Cheater Army! Cheater Army!!
I hate those guys. . .
Mac said:
Cheater Army! Cheater Army! Cheater Army!!
I hate those guys. . .

LOL! I like how they look. :) But lately I've been looking at the Dark Angels. So pretty. I already have a Space Wolf army going but I still want to do a full chapter though. Not SW since they are kinda weirdly organized. So either BA or DA would be my choices right now.

AFTER I do up at least 2k of every 40k and WFB army. :) That's my current project.
The advantage of the dark angels chapter is you get a LOT of mileage out of specialist sprue, The problem with them is they are currently once of the oldest codex s and it was written for prior to the new codex space marines, which gave a lot of points reduction. They are farther down the codex creep scale.

On the table top you will either do really well or really badly with the death wing or raven wing companies. My Dark Angels do not see a whole lot of the table top, but then again neither do my Salamanders or my Imperial Guard or Tau.

On the other hand Codex Blood cheese is one of the newer codex and it is the "pet" army of the studio, a slew of beardy characters. There lots of specialist kits and sprues that are out now, such as the furioso Dreadnought, baal predator and the new Storm raven gun ship was released last week in a black box. The Blood angles Terminators that are in the new copy of space hulk board game are stunning if you can get your hands on them. You can get more information on these at which is in my opinion one of the best space marine boards on the net.
Yeh, what else is new in the GW world? lol Update the rulebook and take your sweet time updating armies codex's for a game that already unbalanced in the first place.

I probably will do Dark Angels last since my friend Les has that army, mainly Death Wing. I have about 5k+ worth of Space Wolves. I just need one more land speeder and about a squad of 5 unit thunderwolf calvary and I'll call it complete. Already starting on Orks next. For WFB, Brets I need to grab another 2 or 3 boxes of knights and I'm good for about 2500pts and about 1/2 way done with getting the models for my High Elves. I think I'll do Ogre's next.

Working on my Menonth and Orboro's for Warmachine/Hordes and about to grab the books and a german army for FoW. I'll be picking up Malifaux later. That's not one the games I'm too interested in. The theme of it doesn't appeal to me much. Won't know till I pick up the book though.

Yeh I scanned once in a blue moon. That and dakkadakka and librarium and warseer but I don't normally frequent one place since I get my info from the YouTube community.
DreamKnight said:
My dream wargaming project would be to create a whole chapter of the Blood Angel Army. I know some of us wargaming have tackled on some epic projects, but what would be your most ultimate project for wargaming?

Well first things first thank you for your videos on Air brushing but you forgot the Core of airbrushing the paint booth I use one I will be doing a video on it soon ( you tube channel Malivictus ) but anyway I have 3 full chaos chapters I am doing..yes 3 ! with full history and background along with short story's about there founding.

Cult of Malivictus ( chaos undivided ) My main chaos army
Sisterhood of Shazadi ( Slaanesh) my wife's army with female marines ( will do pictures later )
Sons of Decay ( nurgle ) My other chaos army

but not to come off as a core chaos player I also have a Guard army that I am basing of the English army in WW2 ( as I am English I just live in the USA )
I've never owned a paint booth and have yet to find it a necessity for me personally.

I spray acrylics at very low pressure right in my hobby room and never have had anyone in the house complain about it.

Enamels would cause a problem for sure but I stop using them years ago.
Sound like impressive projects for those armies..
I actually worked up an army of Chaos Battle Sisters back when I played.
Mostly, I played Eldar, and Marines, though.
Eldar was my own craftworld
Marines were based on the "FireHawks" chapter.
I dream of one day finishing my metal thunderhawk I purchased back in '98 or '99..... I have done bits of it but the thing is so friggin heavy that even the brass rods and pins I use hardly hold it together.

I'd like to say I want to cast it in lighter materials but I would be affraid of having the wrath of a someone come down on my head for such actions. ;)
So long as you're recasting for your own use, there's no real problems, GalaxyChief.
The trouble would start if you were to recast and market them.

That Chaos Sisters army I mentioned above was made mostly from resin copies of the three or four figures I had at the time
I have long dreamt of getting my hands on a Thunderhawk. But the price is just too much. And Games Workshop, for some strange reason, seems reluctant to put it out in plastic...

Instead I've gone with a much smaller scale and is now dreaming of writing a "what if" Late War Leviathans briefing for Flames of War. Got a Ratte almost ready to run and is slowly starting to collect the pieces needed to convert a few Maus, E-100, and E-100 88 mm. Flakzwilling tanks. Lots of other interesting paper panzer to look at too, but only so much time.

Now, if only I had a 3D printer so I didn't have to sculpt it all by hand...
Look at (if you can still find it) Mid-War monster in the flames of war range, it can certainly spice up a "normal game" Those KV5 are BRUTAL on the table top.

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