I live in Houston Texas with my wife, 2 daughters and 3 four-legged kiddos.
I work for Harris County and been with the department for 10 years and ready to retire!
Like a lot of us, I recently came back to the hobby. It's good therapy both mentally and physically and a good way to relieve stress. I've learned a lot from this site and really enjoy the comradery we all have on this platform.
Hi all again just quick note to say that i have decided to go with acrylics , as they seem to cover well and easy to work with so i will check in later to show my progess with the monster in the box
regards Tye
I'm a 70 yr old retired Freelance TV / Media Producer / Director of Photography. I moved to rural Tennessee after over 15 years of living in the San Francisco Bay Area and Silicon Valley. I build ships, cars, helicopters, spacecraft, card models, AFV, armored trains, aircraft, display engines…whatever I find of interest.
Hello. I am brand new here and cant find anyone who will reply to me. I need help learning how to use this site but so far its like no one is getting anything of my emails or messages. Whats someone need to do go get a little guidance? thanks Scott
Hello. Im totally new to this forum but it looks amazing. I registered last night. Wrote a message about building my Borg Cube but it looks like no one saw it. Did i do something wrong? Can someone kindly help me understand how to use this site? Many thanks. Scott PS Can't find my post from last night. Help!
One size fits all here.