1/35 SAS Land Rover "Pink Panther"

So I have been up alot of last night and have a fair bit done. I'm not rushing it's just that suddenly I have alot of time on my hands.

Primed in black for the chassis and grey for the rest then a coat of olive drab as most were originally that colour before the SAS resprayed them I believe. Next some hairspray in areas of wear then the pink top coat.

I'm not over impressed with some of the PE as it seems to be over complicated and the tamiya part's are just as good in area's where you can't really see much when the build is completed. I think that both of your builds will look probably better without it.
I am finding the same with the PE on the Dauntless. Small bits in cockpit probably won't be seen so I am leaving them out and just painting the plastic.
Pink Panther is coming along.
I'll need to wait to continue.


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Got some paint chipped. I used AK Worn Effects.
I migh have gone a little overboard with the chipping. I need to wait a few hours to wipe off some of the paint debris. Next I'll hand paint the wheels and weather the tires and the standard weathering and such.


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Got some paint chipped. I used AK Worn Effects.
I migh have gone a little overboard with the chipping. I need to wait a few hours to wipe off some of the paint debris. Next I'll hand paint the wheels and weather the tires and the standard weathering and such.
Really coming along nicely. Pantherman
I have question. On the instructions, step #7 I notice several areas to drill holes as stated for 7
Which holes and what size bit? My largest size is .70mm.
The holes to be drilled, are they the green arrows and/or the red arrows?


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I have question. On the instructions, step #7 I notice several areas to drill holes as stated for 7
Which holes and what size bit? My largest size is .70mm.
The holes to be drilled, are they the green arrows and/or the red arrows?
It's the green one's and there is another one that you missed on the left hand side very close to the dash. Just a small drill hole as these are positioning for the bonnet (hood) tools. Pantherman
I have question. On the instructions, step #7 I notice several areas to drill holes as stated for 7
Which holes and what size bit? My largest size is .70mm.
The holes to be drilled, are they the green arrows and/or the red arrows?
Don't forget the 2 holes to be drilled in the front for the light and badge. Pantherman


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It's the green one's and there is another one that you missed on the left hand side very close to the dash. Just a small drill hole as these are positioning for the bonnet (hood) tools. Pantherman
Bonnet and boot :D
Thanks for your help.
I didn't know about the bonnet hole I'll have to look for it when I head back to my cave.
Thank you.
Your Panther is looking really nice!

How's your legs? Are you feeling any better?
Thanks. Leg's are getting better slowly but doc won't let me back to work until next Thursday. Lot's of man cave time !!
Don't forget the 2 holes to be drilled in the front for the light and badge. Pantherman
Got the rear together and made a start on the seats. Pantherman


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That is looking really good, Panther. Here is where I'm at. Test fitting the body.


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That is looking really good, Panther. Here is where I'm at. Test fitting the body.
Nice work. I have just realised that I ordered the wrong pink so now have to wait for the UK desert pink to arrive. Pantherman


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