First model in 42 years. How time flies!

Hello! I just discovered this site today in my quest for fun, accuracy, and advice on getting back into modeling after 42 years away. Here is my first model Just started the 1/700 Hasegawa IJN Akagi for my next project. Thank you!

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Hi and welcome to the forum. Love the colours, great details.
Looking forward to seeing more of your builds. Pantherman
Thanks for the welcome! Much appreciated. My figure painting is rusty so I have a couple already painted pilots on order but I was thinking of adding chocks and maybe even a mid century modern (LOL) fire extinguisher if I can find them.
First model in 42 years? It's hard to believe because you didn't loose your talent. Great work.

After this plane, what do you plan to model? Have you tried terrain modelling? By that, I mean creating a little bit of landscape around your model (grasses, shrubs, trees, rocks, dirt …

Continue your great work.
Only 42 years? lol that's a lifetime for some of the younger members. I personally have been enjoying this hobby for the last 54 years so a lot of things have changed and improved since then. Good looking Stearman.
Welcome back to the hobby and welcome to the Herd, Navy Joe! Is that the Revell Stearman in 1/48? Wait-is that 1/72? Nice finish! I look forward to seeing your Akagi, too.

Best regards,
First model in 42 years? It's hard to believe because you didn't loose your talent. Great work.

After this plane, what do you plan to model? Have you tried terrain modelling? By that, I mean creating a little bit of landscape around your model (grasses, shrubs, trees, rocks, dirt …

Continue your great work.
Thank you for the kind words. Yes I have created a base and will be adding a couple of pilots in the near future. I am currently looking at my options for some chocks and maybe a mid sized fire extinguisher
I just got back into modeling after many years but I have never tried to build with accuracy and detail...I was just a 12 year old kid back then! Now I want to build some highly detailed kits! I spent a lot of time gathering tools, and supplies and now I am slowly working on small parts, wheels and tires, etc...I need to finish my home made paint booth so I can lay down some body colors soon! As far as advice, patience and practice!
First model in 42 years? It's hard to believe because you didn't loose your talent. Great work.

After this plane, what do you plan to model? Have you tried terrain modelling? By that, I mean creating a little bit of landscape around your model (grasses, shrubs, trees, rocks, dirt …

Continue your great work.
I have started my 1/700 scale waterline series of the IJN Akagi
Thank you for the kind words. Yes I have created a base and will be adding a couple of pilots in the near future. I am currently looking at my options for some chocks and maybe a mid sized fire extinguisher
what's the scale of the fire extingusher that you are looking for?
Lookin' GREAT, NavyJoe18! Love the color scheme and liking the base too! Keep up the awesome work and I'm looking forward to seeing your new stuff as you build it!
Hello and welcome aboard 'navyjoe'. You'll soon see and learn, that this group of modeling folk's are some of the nicest and friendliest and smartest, I've had the pleasure of knowing - AND helpful, too. You've come to a great group. As for modeling - nicely done acft and thanks for sharing it and isn't it EXCITING, getting back into building a model, after a hiatus... Me, am looking forward [when I can] to start locating and finding all my crap, I've been collecting for 55+ yrs - Which was boxed up, for our move to the Gem State and beginning to re-assemble my 'new' modeling man-cave, so I can FINALLY sit down and start building again, here in our new digs [and 'the Boss' gave me an even larger rm, then the last one... SWEET!]. So have FUN and RELAX and ENJOY, re-discovering the world of modeling. WELCOME!!! - Ed
Welcome back to the addiction! Looks great. Did you take any progress photos?

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