Picking this one back up after a break. Was never happy with rubber-band tracks, something about their texture, and of course no sag (not enough) on the top. So I decided to put some more money into this kit and use a "workable" kit from the AFV Club.
Why am I such a masochist?

There are two parts per link, the smaller one glues in the center and has one lip on one side and two on the other than form the hinges. The little pile above represent about half of a sprue for each part.

But there are six sprues here, for one track. Ugghhhh.

Another six sprues for, yeah, the other side of the tank. Leaving them bagged and hidden from my view, for my sanity.

These are tricky. What you see above was me using Blu-Tack to hold the lower/larger part of the links together, with the pinss alinged with the hinges of each other. It provided a nice stable platform for adding the smaller parts. What I was not ready for was my gluing the tracks to the Blu-Tack. Ughhh again.

But here's a finished segment divorced from the Blu-Tack although there's still little bits of it stuck in there (only visible from the other side), will be covered by "mud" and weathering so I'm leaving it. That segment represents one sprue each, so two down ten to go. Ughhh!