I have been checking in from time to time and have been encourage to post a thread- so here goes.
My story is not unique. Like so many others, I have recently retired after a long but regarding career as a Radiologist at a busy teaching hospital/medical school. After nearly 40 years of training, teaching and working on difficult human problems I returned to a love of modeling I had as a child onward. Previously I was a model ship builder and working on scratch wooden frigate but could never get around to finish, as I still have it in my closet waiting to be finished one day. I have turned my attention since returning to modelling to WW II aircraft. God I love them!!
I have been learning from so many superb modelers out there and their posts. Without you guys I be lost in my new hobby.
I am currently working on Tamiya's 1/32 Spitfire IX and have completed the camo and now working on setting decals before attempting the weathering process. I believe in attempting to complete these awesome planes as they were when actual flown- dirty, gritty , sunbaked, oil stained with lots of wear and tear. To my knowledge few aircraft in combat were ever clean or pristine.
I am posting several images of two models I have completed. The first was my Tamiya Corsair. I attempted to recreate Pappy Boyington's plane that he flew when he was shot down on his last ride in the South Pacific. The second build was Tamiya"s version of Richard Bong's P 38 .
Comments and suggestions are welcome!!! Never to old to learn.

I have been checking in from time to time and have been encourage to post a thread- so here goes.
My story is not unique. Like so many others, I have recently retired after a long but regarding career as a Radiologist at a busy teaching hospital/medical school. After nearly 40 years of training, teaching and working on difficult human problems I returned to a love of modeling I had as a child onward. Previously I was a model ship builder and working on scratch wooden frigate but could never get around to finish, as I still have it in my closet waiting to be finished one day. I have turned my attention since returning to modelling to WW II aircraft. God I love them!!
I have been learning from so many superb modelers out there and their posts. Without you guys I be lost in my new hobby.
I am currently working on Tamiya's 1/32 Spitfire IX and have completed the camo and now working on setting decals before attempting the weathering process. I believe in attempting to complete these awesome planes as they were when actual flown- dirty, gritty , sunbaked, oil stained with lots of wear and tear. To my knowledge few aircraft in combat were ever clean or pristine.
I am posting several images of two models I have completed. The first was my Tamiya Corsair. I attempted to recreate Pappy Boyington's plane that he flew when he was shot down on his last ride in the South Pacific. The second build was Tamiya"s version of Richard Bong's P 38 .
Comments and suggestions are welcome!!! Never to old to learn.