Ugh! where to start, been shackled better side of half a century...and have loved every minute of it.
My Angel, Colleen, had truly (and literally) saved my life way back in the days of old.
You see I came from a broken family and basically grew up on the hard streets of The South Bronx NYC (look it up)
Let's just say I was of a 'fairer' complexion than most of my compadres, which meant I basically had to fight for
my right to even exist more times than I would like to remember.
Then came the Draft, to make a long story very short...three years later I came home basically to no one
and nothing. With no familial and social values to fall back on, I returned even more of a monster than when I
had left.....not a good thing. P.S never want to discuss this aspect again.
Then by a complete fluke of destiny, by grabbing hold of a runaway pup and returning him to a beautiful teen age girl
who was in distress, I met my Angel.
Me and a few other toughs were actually on our way to do something not so nice, when she touched my hand
in thankfulness, it was like a bolt from the blue. My hole rotten life seemed to flash before my eyes.
Sounds corny right? But I don't know how else to describe it.
For the first time in my life I felt true gentleness and her eyes melted me like an ice-cream come in the Sahara.
Ancient history I know, but from that moment onward neither one of us has ever looked back.
Two sons and seven Grand kids later we have kept every one close. We all share a forty acre homestead
with three homes and a very steady logging and firewood business for almost thirty years now.
Getting back to the subject, modelling is something that I always seem to have to make time for
and not something to occupy my time. I'm sure you know a bit of what I speak Old Man,
equipment is always breaking down and in need of maintenance. While I can no longer
go on the "hard tracts" with the boys there is always a load of stuff to do around here.
Maybe that's why me and the Missus never get on each other's darn busy!
By the time the day is done we are glad to be able to get together...for a bit anyway.

then she's off to her sewing or her computer games and I either hit the bench or YOUTUBE!