How do rockets fly in the vacuum of space!?

I just figured this out.

"How does Superman slow down in space?"

He exhales. Really hard.

And that offers a theory, of how he starts moving forward in space if he has nothing to push off from?
This may be the reason he wears a long cape.
Because it can help direct the "thrust"?
Hi kind sires,

Just fund a video on youtube that was quickly deleted a few days ago about how all the space programs and rockets are a hoax. It explained how rockets can't fly in space by today's technology, like reaction engines, solid fuel, or thermonuclear technology.

I told my father whom is a chemical-biological engineer, and never saw the man with that expression on his face... just went blank for 5 seconds and then tried to figure out how it is possible for the fuel driven technology to produce and induce movement in perfect vacuum and total lack of gravity or other type of electromagnetic field....

The video is no more on youtube, but fund out some other material.

La la la la lie...
Actually rockets work better in vacuum than in an atmosphere because there is no pressure outside the nozzle to push against the exhaust lowering it as a result. For upper stage engines the nozzles are generally longer to get more thrust and efficiency than in an atmosphere. They can continue to obtain thrust down the extended length since there is no external pressure to fight against. Here's a pic of the aft end of starship with 3 vacuum Raptors and 3 sea level Raptors. The nozzle difference is massive. 1741892124084.png

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