Very Good Evening to everyone,
Well, this is my 801st post.
So, before i get to the update bit, i just wanted to say to the members at this great site that for the three builds i have submitted here at SMA, (1 finished, 2 pending) the support i have received has been nothing short of fantastic.
When you are at your lowest point on a build, you can read an encouraging word on a post and for me it really is inspiring, for me it helps me lifts my game so i don't disappoint you guys or myself.
Scott, Bossman, you have inspired thousands of people to come together and share our art, and it is art people.
I tell people i'm a plastic sculptor, pretentious f............. any way ;D
Thanks again mate, you did save my life.
I will shake your hand one day my friend.
Thanks guys
And remember
If you have no pain.......Model,
If you have pain.....model with pain.
And we still have 'NO BANANAS'
Enough poop.................Hold on folks
Not much coming at you fast.
My first try at molding from what i've seen online and stuff
Fix blank to poster board base with hot glue, leave plenty of room around the outside
Make a surround high enough to cover the blank, seal all edges with hot glue
Arrange required Molding gubbins, Digital scales, paper cups, palet knife, a mixing pot, your chosen Smooth-on product, in this case OOMMOO 25, paper towels and i have a manky towel that is more useful than you think, to cover the bench.
50-50 mix, 2 mins and in.
Bish, bash, four done.
You can de mold in about 75mins but to be safe i left it over night
Removed the poster board
Bit of pulling and out popped the blank
Casting. Trimmed the mold with scissors, very badly and then mixed
50-50 of the Smooth Cast 300, mixes very thin so no vacuuming required
Two mins
Four mins
Twenty minuets later removed from mold and fitted
This stuff is magic
Finished more engine parts, top ring
These parts still need abit of cleaning but they pretty much came out perfect
Thats it for now
Take care