1/35 Flak 38(t) Ausf. M Late Production

Dials ??....you mean the dials in the driving comp ??

Looks like a Splinter Pattern.

Kinda' like these:



It would be really cool if you did something very similar with a red brown color as well.

Or not. ;D Just thinking out loud.
Yeah ,the bottom pic is one I have ,there is a few different variations on that scheme . There's a few pics in Panzer wrecks 8 ( I think ) Normandy .

ive been giving that kit a serious looking over the last few weeks i think its bronco does it.
I hadnt planed on a tri tone ken dint want to push my luck :) but thanks all the same, mabe ill be bold enough to try it on somthing small and cheap before i dare it on a kit ill mess up :)

Chris Yea. its an un used part on mine
Yeah the dials/clocks hang down from the top of the comp forward of the hatch ,but you probably know that anyway ;)

ive run into a snag. and its the same on both sides. any ideas on how to fix it
Is the back panel painted and fitted ?....if it is try some thin CA in the joint and hold in place till set ,but if its not fixed in place put the panel in some warm ...not boiling water it should take the warp out .

Failing that ,you could disguise the corner with some mud ,or camo netting hanging down ...something like that ;)

its glued in, I had to put a wedg in the fighting comp last night to push out the sides to meet the rear so its well and truly stuck i was thinking a bit of mud might be the best option.

ok spuer glue worked thks Chris. ill still put a bit of mud on it tough.

Next up paint the rear panel and seal it up while i attack the gun