Alright... Time for an update ...
I mentioned in the earlier update that I only finish the first part of the camo scheme... so I followed through with it ..
After the dark yello dots, I applied the red-brown dots followed by the olive green
My mix of olive green is a little bit too dark and don't show too much on the Red-brown camo patches .. Im thinking I should put on a lighter tone,... MAYBE.. I don't know
I wanted to have this display with the hatches open and did a little research for it and found out some are with the red-oxide paint layer on the interior of the tank and since I didn't know how exactly is the red-oxide is mixed, I just used the closet colour to it, which is Tamiya Hull Red -
I might need to do a bit of re-touch around the hinges..... AND i just see the little boo-boo around the edge of the commander hatch ... oh well, i will just chip it on the weathering stage.. LOL
And I painted the two crew members that I want to show ...
This is my 2nd time painting crew figures and my 1st time painting it with full attention to details including hairs and eyes ... and I suck at it ..
Anyway, Following is the all around of the loader -
There may be a small amount of in-accuracy in the exact colours or placement of the colours. I had to work with what ever I had in my paint box and didn't want to waste more money on exact paint.. TBH, Im not exactly a rivet counter and as long my work come out nice and clean, I am happy.. I don't want to kill myself with 100% accuracy ..
anyway - followed up the commander figure
And some shot of the might cat being manned
A Number of option for turret number was avaiable so I choose for '' 008 '' as I had a tiger I ''007'' in the making and my friend suggest a 007 and 008, tiger 1 and 2 respectively ....

Because i choose 008, I have to Scratch built a '' Sternantennae'' and it is in the making right now and will be shown on the next update ...
Well, that's it for now folks... I will keep you updated