Freddie's Upper Torso
With the heads set aside to dry thoroughly it's time to start on the figures themselves. I started with Freddie and will work through the rest of the team and finish off with "Bob", the German figure. Yes, he's now "Bob", because he's such a close resemblance to Bob Hope I couldn't pass it up, HA! You'll see that more closely later on.
The palette is primed and ready to go. I started on the front pockets, shoulders, and lastly the gear. Always working from top to bottom and inside to outside I am finishing everything that can be done on the first pass. This avoids any unnecessary handling of any portion that would have already been painted. If I had to go back to the buttons and zippers after painting the legs the chances of "rubbing off" paint from the legs is a high probability. This is not much of an issue with 1/35th scale or 54mm, but in 1/16th or 120mm and larger, it is, or at least for me it always had been. So, top to bottom, inside to outside, works every time.
The upper half of the torso section has the basic tones in place, so now it's time to work the gear, buckles, straps, etc.
After the lower portion of the blouse has had its initial tone applied, I worked the rest of the gear. Also, I painted the rubbed brass on the buttons, zipper, added worn metal effect on the clips and buckles, and gave all these points a slight Ivory Black oil pin wash. This tones down the brass color and blends in the effect more realistically so the colors won't appear overly exaggerated.
Now it's time to work outward on the upper half of the torso and finish off each arm. I will wait to paint the hands until the end. I'm finding once again that I'm having to mix the color tones almost every third day and getting those tones exact from the prior session can be challenging. A slight variation can and will be noticeable, at least I can see it, and its rather time consuming to remix oils, so the point is to get all the similar tonal portions painted in sequence and save the flesh work for later.
Funny how some things can be elusive when you're painting only to slap you in the face when you scrutinize the photos, like the Colt .45 ammo pouch which has a blaring gap between the back side and the blouse pocket. That will be handled shortly.
Ok, time to work the legs before I have to make another color mix, lol. Thanks for watching.
Cheers, Ski.