200mm WWII Dio, Figures and Bikes

Thx Chris,

Just some got some more detailed engine pics, will be working them this week.

Cheers, Ski.
Thx Gee,

I know I said I post some more pics, but this wiring is getting outta hand and the detailed pics I found have me doing three things at once. T'sall good! My only problem so far is work is gettin in the way and I hate to stop to rack out, if ya know what I mean. Thx again Gee for the kind words Bro.

Cheers, Ski.
Well Gents,

Here's a few pics of the latest work with wiring and detail. The reference pics had allowed me to expand on my prior intensions, so I'm pullin the plug and adding whatever I can since this rig will be in the upright configuration. Ya, I know, I'll explain later, lol.

Please comment as you see fit and thx again for watching. Cheers, Ski.


The rear fender and wiring with clamps. I'm using phone line wire and shoving copper wire into the ends where needed to show the splits. I had to remove the tank to make life eaiser. Anther example of going backwards to go forward, lol.


A closer look with a few of the copper clamps.


And there's that wonderful fuse box that eluded me for so long, right in the middle of the pic, kinda the brains of the system from the battery on. There's more to add to it in the next few days.

Ski...Looking very good pal! pardon my ignorance but is the motor real metal or is it painted?.Keep at it this bike is superbly detailed!
Hi Chris,

Nope, it just has an early coat of oils to varnish the metal color enamel. It'll get a bit more weathering when the wiring and added details are finished.

Thx for watchin, Ski.
Ok Gents,

I finally got a full day in this weekend and got past the major portions of the wiring/plumbing with a few more items to close out before I get on to the forks, etc.


Battery wiring and fuse box, new plug wires.


Throttle cable has been installed and ready for the handle bars.


The horn and associated wires installed up front.


The fuel tank reinstalled after the fuel line clamps were added, as well as the airbox lines with clamps. The airbox louvers can been seen here made from sheet copper. They aren't exact, but they'll have to do, as well as the cover latches.


It's almost ready for the throttle cable installation and on to the front forks.

Thx for watchin, Ski.
Thx Spud, I'm in the meat and taters of it now, or "spuds" as you might say, lol.

Cheers, Ski.
Oy Mr. Spud, to be sure, Sir.

I doubt I'll be getting this one done before the snow melt with such a late start this last winter, a month behind schedule as is. I will do my best.

No major construction this summer, so bunker time will be snuck in there somewhere.

Thx for watchin Spud. Cheers, Ski.
Forks to Fenders to Wiring

Mornin Guys,

Got a few things done this weekend and throughout the week. Still plenty to do, but always on the move as best I can before the snow melt. Holler if yall see anything needing attention and thx for watchin.


Front fork and fender parts and head lamp. That head lamp cover will be re-worked.


With the forks and head lamp in place, the wiring was a pain in the tuckus, sausage fingers and all.


Wire clamps along the frame. I'm using copper wire and floral wire depending on what it's used for.


Handlebar configuration and wire bundle along the left frame, split just after that into three wires heading out.


The stock drive shaft is pathetic, so I'll be re-working a new one to taper the ends and add the key ways like the original as best I can.


The seats are placed temporarily with a coat of tissue paper and white glue to give a minor texture. The rear wheel installation (mounting) points not clearly visible here had to be filed extensively before installation can be complete. Lots of reworking is still required.

Thx for watchin Gents. Cheers, Ski.

P.S. Those sucker holes on the tank will be refilled and filed when all is said and done too.
I don't see anything to point out other than it is looking great. I would have put it back in the box by now. You must have an incredible amount of patience but then that is what dioramas are all about. Congrats on your work.
Thx Stevo,

It may get a bit tedious at times, but it sure the heck is a lot of fun. Just put a good ol war flick in the DVD player and let er rip.

Thx for watchin, Ski.
Thx Roy, more below.

I began on the exhaust pipe weathering by using decanted hairspray. I brushed it on the pipes and hit it fast with a hair dryer, then brushed on XF-1 Flat Black. Again I used the hair dryer and then began to rub it off. What I'm looking for here is a bottom base tone for my weathering process. I know this is not the usual way to administer the hairspray method, but I'm experimenting.

Feel free to comment as you see fit and thx for watching.

Cheers, Ski.





P.S. Still working the lighting on these pics, so bare with me while I work it.
Comparison update

Ok, I had to parade the Dynamic Duo before we get too far into the weathering stage. It's amazing just how heavy the Italeri Harley is compared to the Dragon BMW R75. There really isn't much left to install on the Beemer, but the weight difference is impressive. I do believe this is the case in full scale as well.

Not being a modern Harley fan particularly, but a crotch rocket kinda guy, I do prefer the lighter, faster, more agile, yank and bank rigs, lol. In fact, I still have my original KZ750L3 I bought back in 83, the Black Widow. Ok, back on topic, HA!

Anyway, both rigs still need plenty of details to close them out before moving on to the figures and structures.

Thx for watching, Ski.





P.S. I'm hoping to get most of the weatheirng done before the snow melts.

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