Over Ambition!!!
Talk about over ambition, well I sure did. After laying out the two bikes and figures for a basic overview it has become quite apparent to me, and my wife, that I have overstepped my bounds and can not include them all on one base. I know, I know, call me late for supper, but I sure the heck was gonna try. At the 200mm scale it's a bit of an over task to try to pull this off unless I make a curio cabinet specifically for this HUGE dio. The Mrs. would have my head on a platter, to say the least.
So, what's the solution? Two vignettes, simple enough, right? Now I have two vignettes vs. one big huge dio. There was just no way to include everything I wanted and keep a proper perspective, distance and conveyance of reality. Nothing wrong with thinking big, but reality sets in and it can be a bummer. I now have a basic layout for each set of figures and rigs and will continue on with both at roughly the same time.
After doing some research I have found some really cool pics everyone may find useful if the desire for more reference pics of decaying structures is down your alley. I can still incorporate Chuck Doan's method of weathered wood and realistic structures (building materials) keeping in step with the reality of Normandy style barns, cottages, etc. Check em out if you wish, great pics of the real deal.
I'm continuing on with the figures right now; the bikes are behind glass for safe keeping. I'll post pics as soon as I get further along in the oiler process.
Thx for watching Guys. Cheers, Ski.