A different Intrepid class Starship (from a Voyager Model kit)


That which does not kill us makes us stronger !
Nov 28, 2011
Years ago I received a lot of model kits partly built and such. One of those was a Voyager model kit, with no rear part to attach the warp engines.
In the meantime I ordered resin and corrected nacelles for the Enterprise E, and ended up with plastic nacelles of the NCC-1701-E that looked OK on the Voyager kit.
Since I've got some warp engine from the Toy of the Enterprise E, and some spare parts here and there I built this kitbash 4 years ago.

And last week a friend of mine gave me spoons that could be used to cover the collector bussards. So I continued to glue parts here and there and my motivation is on a "GO". I build the Millenium Falcon and the Kitbashed Voyager all together... Star Wars and Star Trek on the same workbench... Some people won't even understand :D

Here are the pictures of the day :p I glued some details here and there, but some minor details may be added on the hull later. Especially on the bottom of the ship.

The parts are not glued for the moment, maintained in place with rubber bands.

I'm still loving the look of it...

Some 1/48 F-14 fighter parts are used to detailed the bottom on the engine. Another similar part will be used to camouflage the jonction.

Are the collective Bussards OK as is ? I may try to add some "spoons" on it.

Here they are.

Cut accordingly that could proove to be useful.

I've got other spoons that may be the right size, and thinner...

It may look like the old warp engine from the TOS period don't you think ?
Very cool kitbash! And yes, the bussard collectors are very TOS era.

I'd say they look good as is, but I'm intrigued to see how they look with the spoons attached. :)
Don't intend to lit anything... Or would I ? The thing is that if I light the Engines I have to find a way to make glow the blue strips, make the windows, the Impulse engines and so on... A difficult process IMHO. I'm really not good at that, really don't like electronic, and that's a lot time consuming... I've got hundreds of kits to build and I do intend to do them during my lifetime :D
Electronics is second nature to me because its my job.....it's painting that scares me, i'll need lots of practice to get near the standard of the models on these forums.
I did observe the very same thing in several of my professionnal contacts in miniatures making... Some excellent in making object from almost nothing, some awfully good in sculpting, another one making parts with resin like you do cookies... But there's always THE thing that you're not good at. It may be the way for mother nature to say "hey ! you have to work together, no one is supposed to have all gifts in one hand...".

True enough... But an IRL group build is, actually, extremly difficult to gather. Not to mention time, schedule, plan etc.

All in all, no lights on this one. But i studied a way to improve myself or work with a friends for future projects (big models that NEEDS to be lighted, even wants to have sound effects). :D
Tnaks guys !

I always thought that the Enterprise E and the Voyager design were kinda identical in spirit. Based on the DVD bonus of First Contact and Voyager it wasn't intended that way. But I do have to try it with what i've got in my hands.
But I tried to think about the logic of the ship and the general design.
For example : the impulse engine are originally at the rear, near the war engines. The red grills. Here it's not there. It's more like a classic design starfleet vessel at the back of the "saucer". The shuttle bay here was eliminated and the only one available is now the main one at the rear of the ship, like the classic Enterprise.
I did modified a lot of details : the bridge is the one from the Refit Enterprise, ditto with the observation room at the bottom. The big windows at the aft were replaced by photon torpedoes launchers, and the second deflector shield is but a piece of hardware on the hull. I added a lot of weaponery all over the hull with coffee spoons. And many details that are not obvious but can be any technical advantage you want for a Starship like that.

Some details will be added later on the engines to "break" the too obvious Enterprise E origin.
My goal is to obtain something that can be cannon but definitly isn't. The shape is highly recognizable, but it won't be the genuine thing.

That make me think of another old project with the Excelsior display stand that I can show you (it's not finished and it broke some months ago along with my kitbashed Vipers).

Here is a "teaser" :D

Bad news everyone...

My "Voyager" felt on the ground and broke.
A nacelle has broken and number of small parts felt too.

But it was a good opportunity to revise some parts of the ship.
I unglued and modified the rear part, it was not aligned. I replaced some huge parts on the upper half of the ship with tank trails, giving it a more "armor windows" look. The nacelle has been glued on and show no misalignement for the moment.
More details has been added on the down half of the ship.

I feel like completing this project before it's too late, i'm seriously ill (flew) but building back this model give me some kind of strenght, the feeling I'm doing something (strangely enough writing this words and looking at the screen give me a headache, since building this kit is far more easier - must be the fact I don't give it a second thought ?). :D
I really like your design. Never liked the flappy struts and warp engines on the Voyager. I always felt like if they flapped them fast enough thaey would have returned to the Alpha quadrant much sooner. Yours is a more proper (my term) warp capable starship! :D
Oh no! Ah well, if it gets a bit of care and attention, I'm sure you'll have it looking spick and span in no time.

Hope you feel better soon. :)
Thanks everyone ! :D

Repairs done...
Illness still here but, hey, i'm a stubborn person. Actually working on it watching, again, the Stargate Universe season 1. Just finished it... Don't have the season 2 so will grab some other DVD's.

As you'll see later (will take pictures when I will be able to do it properly), the pilones are fine, hopefully, did some modifications here and there and the warp engines couldn't be more detailed. The hull is detailed too, with new tank parts I didn't have years ago. Just regret not to have the gut to find a way to make the wap engines removable, for an easy trnasport during my exhibitions.

Stay tune :D
Some repairs and details glued later...

Need to do some pictures. It's no use to tell you anthing without photos :D

Really happy with the result. Simply need to motivate myself and really glue the engines with the detailed parts. And then do again the painting.

Seen some interesting things over there, more Enterprise-E than Voyager... Would need to scribe over the hull here and there, but could do the trick. You know, some black strips like the E or F version of the Enterprise. What do you think ?
I like both of the designs. Very kewl stuff!
I am sure once you get her re-fitted after her "accident" she will be even better. :)
Thanks. As a matter of fact, she is :D

Pictures soon... Maybe next week (have a lot of "missions" this past few days, very important things to do :D)
Couldn't pick this one on my trip in Paris but did take this one with me... As much of my unfinished kitbashes, it's "almost done".

Will create a new topic for this one. Will need a name too. Stand class ? Since it's made from the Stand of the Excelsior ?


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