the seams on the radiator and oil cooler scoop have been touched up, i sanded them with a rougher grit to get the seem lines, then a smoother grit to smooth it out and touch it up. i cannot feel the seem lines with my fingers, i will soon apply silver paint over the top of the lines, if this is not fixed, i will apply a coat of MR surficer over those seems, then sand, and check again. with the model assembly BEFORE PAINT, almost compleeted, NOTE... not yet compleet, i am working in seems more than anything right now. "so close... yet so far..." i cant close up the cockpit either untill i get the decals and a photo of amber to put on the instroment pannel... i got the harness in the best i could, should have got that in cockpit assembly. i am having issues with the pilot, i do not like the pilot that came with the kit...
the prop blades have recieved a coat of paint, the hub waits its coat of paint, notice the chips and scratches on the edge of the blades, atom saw some combat, hundreds of about thousands of missions, debris from each of his every kill, and dirt, wore away at the edge of the prop.
i used a "dirt wash" by taking Valejo dark earth and another Valejo color, and watering it down a little, it makes it look nice, then added a chipping effect exposing some bear metal around the edges, then added some flat black to give a caked on rubber effect, from landing... after takeoff... after landing... after takeoff... on the landing gear covers, and landing gears
more seem lines recieve some standings and touch ups....