I don't foresee myself doing that level of scratchbuilding for a long time, but I do have a question. I had to paste some styrene 'bolts' onto my build. I would touch the brush from my Extra Thin cement pot to the area on the model where the bolt would go, then pick up the cut styrene rod with one finger and gently touch it to the cement brush bristles, stick it on gently, and carefully lift my finger away. I would have a few seconds to re-adjust the position, if needed, using a #11 blade.
I purposely cut the rod a little long, then sand the bolt down once it's cured.
Is there a better way to do this, or is this what you all do, more or less? I found that using tweezers would distort the bolt shape and/or leave lines in the piece once the cement started attacking the plastic, so I'm not doing that anymore.
Thanks for the help, and looking good, spud! It's giving me confidence that even you experts make silly mistakes like I do sometimes. Press on!