Hey guys!
Thank you all for your encouraging comments.
Been pretty busy lately with life. I managed to get some work done on the Slave; the weathering is completed. All I have left to do on the model itself is the final connections and assembly.
But what I've been working on last week is the base. I really wanted to do something different, got to be honest, I think I did more thinking then actual work. First I had a Tatoine theme but I'm already working on a docking bay 94 diorama for my falcon so that was out. Then I though about Hoth... just didn't felt right... so, what next? Sometime just getting my hands working helps. So thats what I did. I decided to pour some plaster on a base and something happened: it cracked.
So here's my idea: a Mustafar inspired base. Lava my friends !!
What I plan on doing is a cracked up surface as if it was completely dried up and lava glowing from underneath and little burst of lava here and there. ok, pictures:
Cracked plaster:
Light test with a flash light. The final base will have orange and red leds glowing from underneath.
Using some clear plastic of all kinds, I melted them under a candle to get the general form and splatter for my lava bursts. Then I'm gonna thicken it out with some silicone. After' I'm planning on painting them with a mix of transparent and opaque colors to give it some glow and texture.
I scrapped the plaster idea (just watching it makes the paint peel off). I'll use cork for my rocky-dried-up ground instead. A few natural rocks here and there to make it interesting.
For the base, I made a frame with 3" x 1" white pine.
The frame stained and varnished.
Thanks for watching guys!