Quaralane said:
Looking great here. That chipping has worked well for you
Thanks Quarlane ! yup, I'm very happy with my last "chipping session" !
merseajohn said:
;D Love your comments John ! Always cheerful and constructive, thanks!
blakeh1 said:
Looking good!
...Maybe a polishing cloth?
Thanks Blakeh! Tried the polishing cloth... no success. I'll explain bellow.
Grendels said:
That paint job is great!
As for the canopy, I have no idea.
Hey thanks Grendel. Of everything I did on that ship, the colors are what I'm most satisfied with. I really like the Vallejo air paints, but when it comes to get that specific color you're looking for, Tamiya paints (I'm using acrylics) is my favorite choice; just a few bottles and a bit of isopropyl alcohol will get you a very long way, if you don't mind creating your own colors that is.
adampolo13 said:
maybe a little bit of windex on a q-tip and see if you can gently get the residue off?
When I read that comments I just left the computer to give windex a try... I almost broke my neck going down the stairs, there was no time to waste ;D
Unfortunatly, it didn't work. I think the residue was a mix of Future and tape glue... tough stuff. Some of it went away but I would still be rubbing at this point to get all of it out. But you know what? that tip will come in handy one day I'm sure. Thanks ;D
Igard said:
That paint chipping looks fantastic! Really excellent work there.
Depending on how bad it is, I wouldn't be too concerned if there's some residue on the canopy. Probably something splatted on the window when it flew through that Star Destroyers garbage deposit!
Thanks Igard. I actually tought about leaving it alone but, depending on the angle I was looking at it, it looked pretty bad. My personnal explanation was that Boba Fett went to a "sexy hutt's car wash fund raiser" and the slave 1 got some serious body rubbing action... ishhhh... :-X
Anyway, I DIDN'T like it. Doing all that "hard" work throughout this project, I wasn't going to cut corners like this at the end. Besides, I didn't want to look at this build and only see the defects of it.
That's right, I removed it! Dumped it in a bath of windex for a few minutes and got my kitchen sponge out and clean it good. Then, into a bath of future with a touch of food coloring to get that brownish shade effect.
I then masked the cockpit (again) to repaint the top and bottom portions of it in german grey.
Thats where I sit right now.
On my way to the man cave to do uh... stuff, not sure yet.
Cheers guys!