Back in the game after 30 years.


Feb 22, 2021
Hello all,

Just wanted to introduce myself and say hi after being away from the hobby for 30 years.
I guess I just got busy with life, kids and didn't really have time for modeling with all my other hobbies over the years.
I forgot how enjoyable it was to take a box of plastic parts and glue them together.
Built my last model (F-15) in high school when I was 16 for my JROTC class.
Currently doing World War 2 armor and airplanes.
Working on a Tamiya Panzer Kampfwagen IV Ausf.D at the moment, depending how the paint job turns out I might post some pics, lol.
I will say I am amazed at what is available, as far as paints, filters and weathering effects that weren't around last time I did a model, it can be a little overwhelming.
I guess you could say I went "All In" and bought way to much stuff, all of which I have purchased since December... models, metal tracks for tanks, paints from 3 manufactures (Ammo, Tamiya, Vallejo), tools, Grex airbrush, compressor, paint booth and the list goes on. :D
Don't judge the messy desk, haven't had a chance to clean it up.
I built my spray booth cause I live in Ohio and it can be a little brutal here in the winter time.... and the summer.
So I can pant in my house and not bother the wife, I have it vented outside, she says she cant smell it while I'm painting so that's good, happy wife, happy life, right fellas? ;)
If anyone wants info on the paint booth just send me a message, gladly tell you what I used and how I did it.
The speed on the fan is adjustable, the speed control is the pic with the lights on it.
Take care all, I'll see you all around.

Happy modeling :),



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A Buckeye, eh? Welcome back to the hobby, and welcome to the Herd! I look forward to seeing your builds.

Best regards,
A Buckeye, eh? Welcome back to the hobby, and welcome to the Herd! I look forward to seeing your builds.

Best regards,
Thank you............ No... not a Buckeye, I'm a transplant, my girlfriend is but not me :) I am originally from Oregon but moved here about 10 year's ago. I miss my mountains and trees and am a diehard Duck's fan. Have been for about 40 years.

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