Thaks for the kind words Gav!!! Think you should definately give it a shot! I did some checking and the 928 was mostly Galvanized with the exception of the doors and hood which were aluminum.....imideately we need to change some peeds here....HIGH GEAR now!!
For discussion purposes only:
Few more pictures of this beauty are
HERE Maybe through in some burnt tires in the front..........Like: (not a 928 but you get the picture 8) )
Again, for discussion purposes only:
This was found
HERE There a a bunch of sweet shot of some rusted Porches!!
The Galvy would rust and the aluminum would pit and in a burnt scene there is the nice melting and so forth!!
Say the word and I'm in!! LOL!!! Staart a thread and have at it!!! I will lend a hand where I can and I am sure some others will be there along the way!!
All else fails..........
Discussion purposes only:
Not sure where to get a 1/20th Abrams, but it's the thought that counts!! ;D