
Pafruu said:
I have a cool beard that sometimes transforms into a 'stach or a goatee or nothing at all. The only thing is that if I shave it off I look like Matt Damon and I have to runaway from all the girls running after me. So I keep the beard on

uh yeah right..........
I lost my job a while back (well had it taken by the big "R" really :'() and as I had been growing my hair for a while, very nearly long enuf for a pony tail now ;D, I started growing a '70's porn moustache ;D ;D. Well the wife is letting me keep it (for now) so might be looking for some of those goblin skulz when the ends start to droop a tad more. It's odd tho :-\ women are not chasing me even with the porn moustache ::) not even the wife :eek:
Regards David
Im Irish so I have the most amazing red beard. Has anyone ever been to the international beard festival? It was in Alaska this year.
I have to have facial hair or I look like a lil kid for some reason in the face ???
Pafruu said:
I have a cool beard that sometimes transforms into a 'stach or a goatee or nothing at all. The only thing is that if I shave it off I look like Matt Damon and I have to runaway from all the girls running after me. So I keep the beard on
RIGHT!!! ::) And, I might win the lottery tomorrow. Anyway....I hate facial hair! I looks like their heads are upside down on bald men,and a raccoon eating the faces of men with full heads of hair. I don't see how anyone can stand it! ???
Well I got my orange tuque today and have proudly changed my avatar to suit. don't think i've got the courage to wear it out to the local boozer though so i'll just stick with my tribute avatar.

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