Boatmans USS NIMITZ CVN 68


Oct 7, 2024
HI ALL im sorry but as my laptop as been wiped last week ive lost all the pics of my USS NIMTZ build as a member Down time has asked to see so i can only post a few pics of her that ive still got on my laptop may have other pics of it somewhere but finding them is another thing if i do come accross them i'll post them but they wont be in the correct order an first a pic of my Nimitz at a model show my wife jen sitting on gaurd as people always wanted to touch an she is not very happy here due to the fact she had just been told she has got cancer so not a happy pic im afraid anyway the pic of nimitz at near 9ft long an she had working aircraft elevators up an down an hander doors open an close an 5 working radars all from one motor
AN above pic the fight deck an NIMITZ was carryin 54 aircraft on her flight deck an in her hangers bays an some aircraft like the hawkeys had workin engines an nav lights an strobe light all in 1/144 scale as the ship was this cale built in an working lights in the super hornet as well just a pity most build pics have been lost but i have them on a memrory stick i think but if i load this into my laptop then i'll get all the junk as well that has built up over the yrs so i darent do it
here a shot of just some of the workins inside the front part of the hull as this like all my models were built in two halfs so i could half them to make ease of transport to the Norwich pond an best pond in the uk in my opinon IMG_4302.JPG
AN Here the 4 motors bay an at this time was still under construckion with the rear hanger bay showin an 3 tomcats in the bay sorry pics not good but this model was built 20 yrs ago but i sold NIMITZ to a gent in portsmouth an he is still sailing her today so i build the model good as it was scratchbuilt hull im amazed that it is still sailing IMG_4301.JPG
WELL Down time sorry i havnt got more pics as the orginenal build consisted of over a hundred pics but cant be helped if i find any better pics i will post them on here ok
Deck Edge 3 :D
my window to the outside world .
I made it a point to see the sky every time I was on my way to the plant

That's a lotta building ! , Captain
Very impressive .
MANY THANKS [urumomo yes there is 7 yrs worth of modelin there an on the ship an it had a quite a lot of working funkions some ways i wish i had not sold it as the chap who has it now in portsmouth still sails it to my amazement
Cheers for lookin in on the build pics
AN thank you sir durangod as yes it was a big project an TBH i had my doubts if i could build it as the scratch built hull was like a small canoune an big but the build went easier than my plastic plane model kits im buildin now the worst part was all the sanding down on the big hull
cheers for lookin in
Hat's off to you sir! I don't think I would have been able to do even half that well. My patience would have run out.
HI wjbrandel THANK YOU sir yes patience was an still is the name of the game but building this carrier was like building loads of small scratch built kits so when one part was built then it was just a case of packin it away till it was needed to fit on the ship an yes there was a heck of a lot of them an them 7 odd yrs flew by when buildiging this moel an it was built mostly in our big kitchen an when she was sailing on the pond at NOWICH it took near 20 ft to stop her even with all 4 props goin astern
CHEERS for havin a look sir
It was good to see this again I had forgotten just how good it was.
THANKS Scottie yes i had a lot of people wanting to see her sail an look inside at the eletronics an she won several trophys so i was pleased with her an she sailed great even in high winds which surprised me greatly due to her massive overhangin flightdeck
cheers sir
Good God Chris - I've never seen that before, that's blooming awesome!!! What scale is it?
HI Rimmer she was built in 1/144 scale in two halves like all my ships so i can get her in the car an the complete build of her is on the old site but you would have to go back several pages to see it
cheers good to see you on here

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