Bronco Buffalo MPCV " BoneCrusher"

Slopped a metric ton of the OIF Wash across the entirety of the front end.....I have alot of work ahead of me with a Q-Tip and a brush soaked in White Spirit to make it less..... "Painted On" Once I remove the excess, the color combination will be SLICK !

It's gonna be a 9 inch Wide and 20 inch long base.....I'm thinking it'll portray a street environment, with the arm inspecting a roadside IED.....I have to find out how to make the concrete and the appropriate scenery for Iraq/Afghanistan. I still have a ton of work ahead of me.
TBadger said:
It's gonna be a 9 inch Wide and 20 inch long base.....I'm thinking it'll portray a street environment, with the arm inspecting a roadside IED.....I have to find out how to make the concrete and the appropriate scenery for Iraq/Afghanistan. I still have a ton of work ahead of me.

Have you seen Scott's dio? The one with the Meng pick-up? He may be able to help you with the concrete/desert sceen. Also, a buddy of mine here is making a dio base and for the road he used drywall. He took a belt sander to it to thin it down. Obviously the paper-like side faces up but it came out very well.
i picked up that armoured glass too after seeing how good that color match was , was going to use the Tamiya green until you shared this . Thank you for posting this informative and fun build and im looking forward to seeing more of your efforts 8)
dasboote34 said:
i picked up that armoured glass too after seeing how good that color match was , was going to use the Tamiya green until you shared this . Thank you for posting this informative and fun build and im looking forward to seeing more of your efforts 8)

It's a great product. I do warn however to do EXTREMELY light coats.....I think I managed 8-9 super misty coats to get that effect. I also sprayed the surfaces that were to be inside the cabin. If you lay it on too heavy, the laquer will warp and pit the clear parts to high heaven.
Finished washing the rest of the cab and all the small bits....if I quit muckin' about, I can spray the last straps and wash the armature after dinner or when I'm on lunch tomorrow.

Wow :eek: turning into a real work of art it is! Sure alot of tiny details in there but you're sure making them work. Looks great man.
I still have a lot of thinning to do....right now it looks like fake movie mud. I'm gonna need another bottle of white spirits after this.
Can i Ask Why you Washed the whole thing and not just the recesses???
Mainly because it looked too deliberate....I couldnt get a well balance of dirty to clean surfaces. The color of the AK122 and the stark contrast provided by the wash made it cartoon like in appearance, but if I put an all over wash thinned out a bit, it gave the proper color balance to a used combat vehicle. Albeit, in some spots I went on a bit too strong :)

Greatest part is that I can always tone it all down with some Spirits and get the look right. That AK122 just seemed too "sterile" a color to not grime up a bit
ah i see, i would have used a Filter for Nato but that is far more thinned out buts its along the same idea :)
Exactly. I was going to use the NATO wash, but its essentially black instead of the dark ruddy brown the OEF wouldn't have matched the terrain I'm using on the base
god no the Black wash would have ruined it. The Nato filter is a tan brown and works well on these colors.
TBadger said:
Finished washing the rest of the cab and all the small bits....if I quit muckin' about, I can spray the last straps and wash the armature after dinner or when I'm on lunch tomorrow.


That is the stuff Badge!!! Really liking this monster!! Well done so far!!! ;)
Love that odd vehicle. I was close to buy it from Vajra miniatures some years ago ... thanks God, I did not! Bronco´s kit is great!

Love the way you´re weathering your kit... nice!

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