Worked a bit on her today! The Wheel house needed a little attention before I , especially the 109, had some armor plating to the left of the wheel. I cut a piece of 0.015" sheet stock to replicate what was on the 109.
After slapping up the sheet I thought I was home free....then I noticed another small anomaly. The rear wall to the wheel section in the kit part is a little chunky and there were two pin marks I did not catch till now. In itself, not a big deal as you could just sand the pin marks down and continue on. I decided to scratch a new back plate to remove the thicker lower part.
Old Part....
Making the new...
Not a very complex shape this took little time to replicate. I noticed some rivets on the small return section at the entrance, with a quick look at some picture online there are some small brackets that hold the whole thing together. The rivets are on the side plate, but were never on the rear plate. A couple of quick lines and voila.
In addition to playing around with the bridge, I was able to sit and fire up the AB and attack the lower hull.
I also wanted to get a jump on the linkage and props since the AB was all warmed up! A little Alclad Chrome for the linkage. Not wanting them to be bright and shinny, I laid down one good coat. The black base shows ever so slightly and the chrome give the appearance of metal shine to them.
The props were pretty much the same except brass Alclad. Again with the black base it kept these with a slightly bronze appearance.
That's it for tonight. Back at her throughout the week.
Thanks for tuning in!!
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