[COMPLETED] Snowspeeder takeoff scene

Re: [WIP]Snowspeeder takeoff scene

Very nice,the lighting looks sweet.
Re: [WIP]Snowspeeder takeoff scene

java said:
Very nice,the lighting looks sweet.

Than You=)

Well, the Winter is not really so far away, so it's time to get some proper clothes))

The two guys of the hangars personnel know about the difficulties of extra-cold weather from the first hands One is going to control the speeders takeoff

and another one is to be sitting in front of a broken repulsor engine deep in thoughts of how two fix it in two minutes, while the imperial walkers are not knocking in the doors

Here is a power-tool he is going to hold

Both the rebels were made of RAF ground personnel from the ICM kit with the help of two-component putty. I’ve tried my best to make their hats, scarfs and jackets with these diamond-shaped patterns on them as close to what we see in the movie, as it was possible with that scale.

Finally, here is some hangar equipment â€" a workbench, canisters, ladderб gas cylinders e.t.c.:

Re: [WIP]Snowspeeder takeoff scene

Excellent work with those figures to flesh out the scene
Re: [WIP]Snowspeeder takeoff scene

I can't believe I missed this one. Nice work on the kit and can't wait to see some of the finished results.
Re: [WIP]Snowspeeder takeoff scene

It's just me! But I would stay away from those German jerrycans ! It is true that star wars is all over with German weapons but.... Jerrycans? It's just weird! Once again! It's just me!

The dio will look great either way! So! Don't take it too seriously! On my account.


Re: [WIP]Snowspeeder takeoff scene

Well, I really not certain with those canisters myself. I would require a air to add them to the other stuff thatis going to lie under the workbench, and was planing to give one to a rebell guy passing near the speeder during it's takeoff....but! here is a pic I've found in web
and I think it would be nice to build:
-those cisterns on the Han's left hand (I would use the fuel tanks for that)
-this square black ...er...refueling thing (the two rebels are working with it on the pic) and only if I get a pair of gonk-droids in proper scale ....^^)))
Anyway, for now I've turned my attention to the base, and, before making it, I'm training in making a very small diorama with AT-ST to learn how to make a "proper" snow=))
Re: [WIP]Snowspeeder takeoff scene

yep, proper snow is tricky. I've seen a lot of recipes on the net, but didn't try anything yet, so can't help you.
I've also seen products for realistic water, and thought you could use that if you want to do stalactites/mites (don't know if there's an english word for them, sry).
Re: [WIP]Snowspeeder takeoff scene

Look for Scott Hoth Dio.... Or AT-AT project..... He describes a snow technique that look and sounds pretty easy to duplicate!!! Good luck!

PS: just got mine....from HLJ it's tinny! I salute all your hard work ! To make your model a show piece!

Re: [WIP]Snowspeeder takeoff scene

Well, after some studying the snow-making techniques and lot's of time that I've missed for modeling (sadly) here is a small update on what I was doing. It doesn't depict the progress on my Echo-base dio itself, but concerns it relatively, and, all-in-all, I guess, might be interesting for you, guys.

What I've been doing lately, was a snow base for my MPC AT-ST, I've built something around a year ago, to depict it during the Battle on Hoth. Again, it has been for me a some kind of a testing ground, where I could train to “create snow”, before proceeding with my Snowspeeder’s takeoff from the Echo-base diorama. After deciding, where to place all the characters and the model itself, I’ve given the EPS piece I was going to use the shape I required, than colored it all black, in order to give depth to all those “holes” and “cracks” in the snow (as I’ve found lately such a heavy coloring was not necessary, slight preshading of certain areas would have been enough). After that, I’ve sprayed it all gloss-white, and glued a heavy-heavy coat of baking soda upon (for an “outdoor” environment I’ve needed some cool snowdrifts=)). Finally, after giving all that cake some time to dry, I’ve sprayed gloss-white over it again, in order to get rid of some yellowness, provided by the glue, and after doing that covered the base with a layer of Future here and there, to make the snow “shine under the grim Hoth’s sun”

Here are some pics of the base’s building process:

And the result:

For those, who would liketo learn some more about this AT-ST build here is a link:

To draw a conclusion, I can say that for me this "test" turned out pretty well, so I can turn to the current build's base, without worrying that I'd mess everything up to hells ;D
Re: [WIP]Snowspeeder takeoff scene

Nice! Baking soda really makes good looking snow. Messy to use though. bleh. I have it all over my work table basing my miniatures.
Re: [WIP]Snowspeeder takeoff scene

Yeah, thats right=) I was lucky to start working with it inside of my painting box - the reason for that was only because I was lazy cleaning the table and putting the box away, but during cleaning it with the vacuum-machine I realized, how much harder it would have been if I had to clean almost the hole room)))
Re: [WIP]Snowspeeder takeoff scene

Solander said:
Yeah, thats right=) I was lucky to start working with it inside of my painting box - the reason for that was only because I was lazy cleaning the table and putting the box away, but during cleaning it with the vacuum-machine I realized, how much harder it would have been if I had to clean almost the hole room)))

LOL! Yeh, it seems to get into places where it shouldn't... like way across the room! lol
Re: [WIP]Snowspeeder takeoff scene

DreamKnight said:
LOL! Yeh, it seems to get into places where it shouldn't... like way across the room! lol


It's been a while, since my last update on the Echo-base hangar dio, and, frankly, since I've worked on it at all. But today I've got several hours of modeling (Ow, yeah!=)), and would like to share the results.

The thing I was building is an Ice-cutter - a repulsorcraft armed with a laser cannon. It has room for one gunner in the rear of the craft, who can man the cannon single-handedly. These speeders were used to carve out space inside the caves of Echo Base. Their laser cannons could also be used to protect the hangars, if needed. Luke Skywalker manned such a craft to defend Echo Base from a wampa attack.

One of these units was briefly seen in the left corner of the screen when Han Solo rode into a hangar at the beginning of The Empire Strikes Back. A cut scene also showed Luke Skywalker using a speeder of this type to fight off wampas.

(here are the links to some photos : http://www.sirstevesguide.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=22594&d=1266546916 http://www.sirstevesguide.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=22595&d=1266546916)

The goal of this build was not to make the ice-cutteras accurate to what we see in the shots above (besides all I can't say that I'm an incredibly skillful scratch-builder ), but to create a vehicle of a similar design and purpose, which will not draw away too much attention from the snowspeeder, but will make the dio look more like a hangar, than like a base for the single model. A guy from the maintenance team (look a couple of posts above) is going to seat near the opened hatch in the bottom of the cutter, working on it's repulsorlifts.

The model has been made from lots of scratch, mainly from these 3 kits:

with addition of several clips, wire and even a cup from MacFlurry.

Here is what it turned out:

Now it is only to paint this little guy left.
Re: [WIP]Snowspeeder takeoff scene

Very nice work.
and just to knit pick a little, the main "canon" of the ice cutter drops down a bit.
Re: [WIP]Snowspeeder takeoff scene

Thanks, guys!=)

Exarkun77 said:
and just to knit pick a little, the main "canon" of the ice cutter drops down a bit.

Yeah.. Unfortunately, I noticed that only while taking the pics, while the whole gun alltogether with the mounting has been already complete =\. What it is possible to do in order to help, is to try melding it with a hairdryer and then changing it shape, but, as it's said, " the best is a rival for the good", so I'd prefer to stay out of risky experiments in order not to ruin the whole thing. Promise to fix this issue visually, by coloring techniques ;)

And here are some new photos of my progress. As I'm currently in the good mood for making varius hangar equipment, I've decided to use this mood for some really tiny things, which, I thing, are going to make the scene look more lifelike ad interesting.
So, by the list:
- a strangely-shaped box for some hi-tech stuff (hi-tech for is off coarse - rebells look at them just like at a mallet=)

- a Tool (no thought of what this victim of my unstopable creativity could really be, for me it looks a bit alike the metal-detector)

- a vaporator-like device

- a maintenance droid

- a power source for recharging snowspeeder's battaries

- something =)

- a very small gas-tank

- another "something"-device

And finally alltogether with a scale reference:

Re: [WIP]Snowspeeder takeoff scene

Solander said:
What it is possible to do in order to help, is to try melding it with a hairdryer and then changing it shape, but, as it's said, " the best is a rival for the good", so I'd prefer to stay out of risky experiments in order not to ruin the whole thing. Promise to fix this issue visually, by coloring techniques ;)

Or you'll find the right position and angle on the dio to make it unnoticeable.
But i'm curious about the "coloring techniques" ;)
Nice scratchbuilding for the tools, this diorama is gonna be awesome ^^

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