[COMPLETED] Snowspeeder takeoff scene

Re: [WIP]Snowspeeder takeoff scene

Thank You, guys! :)

It's been a reeeally long time, since I've been here or had a pleasant time at the workbench, but the last two days showed that the situation is getting better. Not really much for a cool update, but still something))

First, is the work over the base (with the first, but I think far not the final ideas on all the stuff displacement):

And the second â€" the “deck crew” is complete. I didn’t make proper light for macro, but the overall idea seems to be clear:

Conserning the coloring techniques I've mentioned before: there are two ways of helping a gun barrel
- first is to color it with periodical light and dark areas
-the second is to make a spiral coloring on the primal one (like the blue spirals on the X-Wing guns)
both this must create an optical illusion, which will make the problems not so vivid.
For my ice-cutter I'm thinking of trying the first tip.
Re: [WIP]Snowspeeder takeoff scene

Very cool work Solander.
Re: [WIP]Snowspeeder takeoff scene

Nice work on the figures' conversion.
And the base looks really promising, good job.
Re: [WIP]Snowspeeder takeoff scene

Thanks everyone! And always glad to see new faces among the people following this build!:)

Well, looks like, I've reached the state of mind and modeling, when I can afford to update at least weekly, what can't help joying me:)

The majority of my work at the bench this week was devoted to a treadwell droid. We could see this little blue guy on the screen for several times, and on Hoth this model was helping Han Solo with his repairs over the Falcon.

The first thing I've done after prime coloring the droid were the small wheels on his sides. The thing the perfectly fitted fot them was a tube of a q-tip. But as it is empty, I had to fill the wheels with putty.

After the putty had dried I colored the wheels with silver, added a small antenna on the back of the droid. The tracks were done with some black insulating tape. The only thing I had to do after that was the wash and a little drybrushing with silver. I fixed all that with a pair coats of mat-finish. (sorry for that awful lighting on the photos - I'd try to remake them for the next update)

Next was the ice-cutter. I've primed it with the light-ghost-gray, applied the next layers of gray, red and silver coloring and now, after a coat of future it is ready, i think, for the washes.

The next stop was a tripod for some additional hangar lights. I've glued it together from a some king of a crane for airplane's engines - it came along in the kit of RAF pilots who made their way into rebel personnel.

The base was developed with the four holding pins to show the snowspeeder taking off. In the center of them I ran through the base wires for lighting the snowspeeder's cockpit.

And to finishit up, here are two tiny unfinished bags for instruments I'd give the guy working along the treadwell droid on the ice-cutter, and a ladder - just a very useful thing in any hangar of any galaxy.

Re: [WIP]Snowspeeder takeoff scene

This is great. Your figures are awesome and I love the idea of the speeder taking off - not something usually done.
Re: [WIP]Snowspeeder takeoff scene

Thank you, DreamKnight, Quaralane, Scott, I really appreciate that.
And thanks for posting the link on my thread on the main page: I'm quite a newcomer in modeling as it is, so such an attention to my build along with your kind comments is new to me, and, must admit, extremely inspiring.

The exams in the university don't leave much time for my dio, but still I always try to afford some, so here is the small current progress:

First, the better pics of a treadwell droid, as I've pro promised. Not much improved quality, should use beter light next time, but now it's at least possible to understand what You see=))

The ice-cutter passed weathering and was airbrushed with mat finish, and now is considered done

And here is the work with the base. After soldering all the electronics together, I've hided the wires in the trenches, cut for them.

Then, after ates to see everything is lighting well, I've covered the base's down and walls with styrene sheets to give it a batter look.

After that I've painted the styrene black, and, along with that, preshaded some points on the hangar's floor and column.

Here is it painted white with the first coat. The second would follow after I make all the "snow". The way I'm making it is similar to the one on the previous pages. The last step I'm now on is with the first part of the snow applied, added those walking plates and powering cables on the floor.

That's all for now, hope you'd like it.
Re: [WIP]Snowspeeder takeoff scene

I think this is coming along really nicely. Great idea and it's looking great.
Re: [WIP]Snowspeeder takeoff scene

Thanks again, Scott!

Finally, my work on the base is complete. It was a long way through lots of making sand of baking soda, securing it with a layer of vernis mat, then again, again and again, and, at the end, painting it white all over to prevent the yellowish color that appears as the white glue dries, and a layer of glance finish to make certain snowflakes shine in the hangar lights. Without making you bored more, let me proudly introduce the result:

As you can see, the snowspeeder itself, icecutter and the guy with a droid, working on it, are already in place, along with two other buddies from the hangar personnel and some small instruments for those making a maintenance.

Besides that I’ve completed the paint-job over the tripod, the light on the column and the cables, surrounding it. It is hard to see on the picture, but those cables are supported buy tiny hooks.

All-in-all the dio is steady approaching the end of the building, only the major work over some small stuff â€" and its complete. Hope to do it by the end of January, but you know, guys, its never possible to be sure in such things;)
Re: [WIP]Snowspeeder takeoff scene

Amazing work on this.
The scene is very believable.
Re: [WIP]Snowspeeder takeoff scene

Frig, I like that dio alot. Really great job man, truly.
Re: [WIP]Snowspeeder takeoff scene

That is so cool. Great work! It just looks better and better with each update.

Re: [WIP]Snowspeeder takeoff scene

Thank you, guys! Means a lot.
I'm now all in work over the different small details for the hangar, like the workbench, gas-tanks and instrument boxes.What do you think: eager to see them, or it would be better to show everything when they are already in place?

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