Corellian freighter

Here it is with the tape and mask off. Very little bleed under and the tape and mask pulled up very little of the paint. Overall pleased with it, even if the paint lines could be cleaner, but as second time doing this I am happy with it. Next step I am looking to try some weathering and drybrushing, please let me know what yout hink of it.

IMHO, it seems that you could have done all this with a simple brush and no masking at all. Isn't the paint too heavy on the rear part ? Is that gloss colors ?
Well, since you asked what we thought of it...
I would say the paint job (AT THIS STAGE) looks very very very rough. I am hoping that the next stage or three will smooth her out, and mute the strength of those colors.
Looking forward to see how she progresses.
;D ;D ;D
The paint on the back end is from the color, Gunmetal. So there is anoticable shine to it, ecspecially with the lighting. Ad for toning it down, I am at a loss as tot he best way. Taking off the tape roughed it up more then I expected, so I am debating and lookoing on how to blend it in some more. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Are we being trolled here?

Well, we learn from our mistakes more than our success.

My suggestion would be to pick up some cheap kits and work on paint and finish a bit.
I will use this particular model to practice some weathering and then call it done. I have 2 X-Wings that will benefit from the expereince. Plus one more Falcon in the stash in case I get the crazy idea to do this again. Two times is the limit for stripping and repainting this model. Thank you all for the suggestions and help. Hopefully Iw ill have something by end of the week to show.
Hayden said:
Are we being trolled here?

Well, we learn from our mistakes more than our success.

My suggestion would be to pick up some cheap kits and work on paint and finish a bit.

Are you suggesting that answering questions is trolling ? Opinions always have t be good ? Is it difficult to face some differences in others opinions ?
Ulvdemon, I hope you don't take badly my sentiment about your painting technics. Every body have choice, and have to feel free to use any technics he likes. But, somehow, I really don't think your approach is the right one... Feel free to click on my links below, and if you have any question, I'll be happy to answer. No trolling here. :D
Never thought it was trolling. How else can a person learn if not by making mistakes. Take this one for example. In hindsight, I thinned the green too much and had to put on too many layers. Or I just used a translucent green without being aware of it. Lesson learned. You show me someone who does a 100% right off the bat the first time around, I will have to take my hat off to them and congratulate them. Besides, I knew this one wasn't going to be perfect, even for what I was intending, but a good change to get some practive or at least staring point of the techniques I was always reading about and never attempted. Thelinks are of great help.

Besides, whats the point of asking for help and opinions if I am at least not going to take it into consideration. As i stated on SSM. Thank you all for the help and critiques. Only way to get better.
Finally had the chance to work on this model. Taking some advice regarding the model's paint job, I looked into toning it down a bit. Ecspecially with the rgat links I have received previously on what could be done on this model. I attempted a was on the underside, if nothing else, I learned how to do this since it was my first time doing so. Any thoughts and suggestions would be aprpeciated.

I say this in the kindest we possible... start over. I would strip it and start again.

Look at military colors that fit the palette you going for. Camo gray or aircraft gray rather than white. Nato green, OD green, or marines green rather than crayola green. Gunship gray rather than gunmetal. I think you might find it gives you a more realistic finish. Then dry brush them down with the base color. Then a wash with a bit of earth brown and black.

Again not bagging on you, we all had to practice to learn what works. I can't tell you how many kits trashed when I was a kid starting at this hobby.

Keep at it!
I know. I am just doing everything I can to not strip this thing down again for the 3rd time. *grumble* I may just have to. As for the green, I was trying to stay away from the military colors, but the more I try this the more it seems the flat militarys tyle colors is what I am going to have to go with.
Well you could start dry brushing with the base color to start knocking back and evening out the paint job you have now. Then hit it with a wash.
Nah, just going to have to suck it up and strip and redo. The more I look at it the more I am not liking the colors in the pattern it is in. I like the white/gunmetal mixture for the base coat. But the green and gunmetal is too much the more I look at it. May keep it some of the areas, and just strip it. At this point, I may just work on another model and come back to it with fresh eyes.
Your green color is too transparent... And the paint is still too heavy.

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