Dragon 1/35 Jagdpanther "Early Version"

Thanks Geegad. The tracks certainly have been tedious to work on, still not done either.

Idid a bit of preshading before tackling the basecoat. The effect was a little stronger than I had hoped, so I went ahead and did some postshading to better blend in the preshadiing and basecoat. Paints used so far were Vallejo white primer, MM Acryl RLM66 for the preshading and Tamiya dark yellow (XF60). I will try some hairspray paint chipping to see how it looks on the wheels and upper hull surfaces.

Not exactly the camo scheme I had originally wanted to do, but I like. More of a disruptive scheme instead of the "Normandy" style. Its totally freehand and I just put it on the way I thought it should look. The first jusdge I have to please is myself, I'll worry about the rest later. You can sort of see the inspiration for my scheme, same style just a different pattern.




And a quick look at the tracks after oil washes today. Gonna let that dry a few days before doing the metallic drybrushing.

Nice lookin JP !! Cool Camo. I'm sure after some weathering That Zimmerit will definitely PoP !! Those trax are lookin Great after that Rust sets in !!

Great Job !!
schweinhund227 said:
I like where this is going..... Take care !

Thank you, coming from you that is a big compliment.

I had a nice update posted last night but it didnt post for some reason. Ill rite up a new one tonight after work.
Good Afternoon, :)

Hey Carsenault, that TD is goin´to be great,

I like the camo scheme, man. This is going to be another GOOD Jagd-P. :D

Please, keep on with the photos, ah ? ;) :D

Ok, lets see if I can remember what the heck I thought I posted... Sucks getting old, or maybe it was the half bttle of Tamiya Super thin I spilled over the weekend that fried a few more brain cells.

Found the perfect color to brybrush my track links with, Model Master Jet Exhaust from thier military enamels range,


Ran into a strange issue with the tracks however, not sure if is a bad reaction between the Tamiya Super Thin and the thinned oil paints or maybe the Super Thin is just too strong for the delicate track parts as the track links were falling apart in my hands as I was assembling them on the model. They were perfectly fine before I applied the wash. I had prepped enough links to use on the tank itself, plu six double link spares to place on the hull sides. Well in the end I had to use the spares to replace the links that broke apart on me. I ended up short 3 links on one side. So I prepped some more spares with the leftover links plus a 3 link section to use on the tank itself. Got the base coat on them done tonight. Tomorrow or sometime soon, Ill do the wash thing and drybrushing on the tracks, I need to add some rust and wear to the tank anyways.



oh thats sucks man, could you not reuse the parts of the track?
spud said:
oh thats sucks man, could you not reuse the parts of the track?

I was able to reuse some, but others had cracked or broken apart. Have enough links left to replace what I lost plus a few more if needed. Im not worried. If I really screw them up then I guess Ill have to splurge ang get some metal workable track links wont I :p
Almost done now... Just some weathering and a few small detail parts to add.


The track repaires came out great.

looks good grats. looking forward to the weathering. always my fave part
Congratulations Carsenault, is very good the finished work.



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